Airports with a Hotel...

This thread reminds me of the joke where ATC asks a pilot if they have Hotel.....
Few years back my 70 yr old wife was in her office talking somebody on the phone. I motioned her "who is that" which she responded Tech Support for her new PC. I said ok and while I was walking out of her room which we use as our home office I've heard she said "double pane but what that got to do with anything" to the person on the phone. So I walked back and ask her what was that. She said "No idea but the guy can't stop laughing". I asked "what did you say to him?".
Her response; "he asked me what windows I have, and I said double pane but what that got to do with anything" with a bewildered look on her face... As you can imagine I took the phone from her hand and talked to the poor tech guy until we solved the issue!
I'd like to know if you know any airport where I can fly to, park my plane and walk from tarmac to a hotel within few hundred yards...
I am interested in airports in CA/OR/WA/ID/NV/UT/AZ...
I love to fly to small airports with my Ercoupe 415-C but not interested in tent camping when I get there and at my age I prefer to sleep in places with indoor plumbing...

JFK. No joke! The former TWA terminal.

Sedona (KSEZ) has already been mentioned, but the hotel is across the parking lot from the FBO.

For a little more adventure, try Marble Canyon (L41). It's located in the Grand Canyon on the Northeast side. The runway was in fair condition the last time I went there, and there's a little cafe and hotel right across the road.

Nearby, still inside the Grand Canyon, is Cliff Dwellers (AZ03). I haven't been there yet, but the reports say you just need to call the airport manager to get permission to land, and there's a resort right there too.
Following, I’ve stayed at one a Hyatt Place or Hyatt House I think, at St Simmons Island, that’s east coast.
A few airports in the OR/WA area that I haven’t seen mentioned yet;

Medford, MFR. Three hotels across the street from the FBO.
Roseburg, RBG. Google maps shows “Aviation Suites” hotel in a building on the field. I’ve not verified it.
Albany, S12. At the south end of field there’s a taxiway to a parking ramp with two hotels outside the gate, coupla restaurants nearby. I stayed here one night, great stop.
Troutdale, TTD. As previously noted, there is a hotel adjacent to the east, but there’s no short/easy access from the public tiedowns; I arrived here after hours and had to climb the fence at the helo academy, then across the street to the hotel. I did find a decent pub across the freeway to the south…
Enterprise, 8S4. Eastern Oregon. It’s a reasonably short walk to the Ponderosa Hotel. Be warned, the trek back up to the airport in the morning was a pretty steep hike. Going down into town was easier!

Auburn, S50. South suburb of Seattle. Park on south ramp, there’s a walk gate to an adjacent Days Inn. It’s not the nicest of hotels, but but damn it’s convenient with plenty of food options nearby. I stayed here 2 nights, no issues.
Friday Harbor, FFR. As noted previously, park at the NE corner, it’s a very short walk to The Orca Inn. The rooms are small and the walls are thin, but the price is reasonable and it was spotlessly clean.
Pilot House Inn at Hummel (W75) Virginia. I can't say I'd ever considered staying there but I've had lunch.

Years ago we landed at 0K7 (Humboldt IA) and walked over to the Super 8 just off the field. The guy in front of me in line at registration got the last room. Not having a car, we brought out a chart and the desk clerk helped us find a town with an airport and rooms available. She called a hotel in Pocahantas, IA. They had rooms but they weren't at the airport. She then called the police in that town and inquired about ground transportation. They said that there was a courtesy car and the keys were in the (unlocked) FBO building, but if the car wasn't there, to call them and they (the police) would be glad to shuttle us. I got to the airport and found there was a decommissioned police car outside (this has got to be the courtesy car). It took Margy and I 20 minutes of searching in the FBO office to find the keys.

We got downtown and found that they were having their "Heritage Day" sort of a fair with fireworks. We had a nice dinner and watched the fireworks. I was looking for a place to park and then realized that it probably didn't much matter driving a cop car that still had muni plates on it.