In the old days the go-around procedure was "TOGA, Flaps, Gear"... why the shift to:
* "Activate managed Nav"
* "Flaps Three"
* "Gear up"
This change is due to RNP procedures. In the Airbus when TOGA is activated, it puts the plane in a track mode. When performing RNP approaches, navigating through high terrain in the containment area, we need to make sure she is navigating in managed Nav. Thus it's essential to activate managed Nav after you've selected TOGA and get her navigating on course.
But what if we're on approach a RNP 20 mile approach--- still clean--- and they close the runway because Colossal Airlines blew tires.
What happens if you select TOGA in a clean configuration?
* Nothing but a whole lot of thrust and a great deal of aggravation.
She will not transition to go-around and she won't climb. A better choice is to select the missed approach altitude and select open climb. This will enable you to climb to the required altitude and disarm the final approach, enabling your princess to navigate the lateral track for your required missed approach.Yes, you'll have to re-insert the approach, but that's easy when you're safely away from the ground managing the mass.