Then you are, in my opinion, being taught bad medicine for the 2010s and are doing a great disservice.I'm a doctor still in residency training. The bulk of kids we see are Medicaid patients with low socioeconomic class parents. We see tons of kids in our clinic that get diagnosed with ADHD and placed on some form of stimulant/non-stimulant for treatment. Most of us are well aware that the kids probably don't have ADHD, but instead have terrible/worthless/clueless parents. As much as we would love to counsel the parent on behavior and study skills and everything else, 99% of the time it doesn't help. A lot of us feel that placing the kids on these medications give them *some* hope of at least not getting kicked out of school or making all C's instead of D's. Never realized could be potentially making it difficult for them to be a pilot in the future, though!
For a lot of these kids, their way out is in the military; then they acquire a skill and the computerized record (everything is now accessable) leaves them without a career and up the crick without a paddle.
Shame on your mentors.
Professor of Medicine, Univ. of Illinois.