There are two changes taking place. They only affect certain uncertified ADS-B Out systems.
First an explanation of the issue. Uncertified ADS-B Out systems with SDA or SIL values of zero are not visible to certified ADS-B In systems. Portable units are required to broadcast an SDA and SIL of zero, for example the Skyguard. Currently the Skyguard is provided with client services, which means it will get the ground station to provide TISB and ADSR services. However, a client does not have a TISB generated on its behalf, after all, it knows where it is or can be received via air to air broadcast. So since a TISB is not generated for a client such as a Skyguard and the air to air may not be displayed by a certified system such as a GNS/W, GTN, G500/600 and a GDL88. This makes the Skyguard a cloaking device, turn it on and it is invisible to certified aircraft equipment, turn it off and the ground station generates a TISB for the transponder return so the certified receiver will display the target.
Starting around the October time frame, the ground station software will be modified to generate a TISB for a client that has SDA or SIL of 0. This will make an aircraft using a Skyguard visible to an aircraft using certified equipment as it will receive the TISB. This may show up as ghosting or double targets for non certified receivers such as Stratus, GDL39, Skyradar, etc. After this change the ADS-B Out system such as Skyguard will still be treated as a client and still wake up the ground station, but there will be a TISB target that may appear as a ghost. Software will normally filter this out, but if not, dual targets will be seen.
After the beginning of next year, ADS-B Out systems such as Skyguard will no longer be afforded Client status and will no longer wake up the ground station. Only a TISB target will be generated and only by another aircraft that uses a certified ADS-B Out system.
All of the equipment manufacturers, portable and certified were sent this notice and given a year heads up so they can adapt. They also participated in an industry forum where the FAA developed the intention to resolve what they consider to be a safety issue. NavWorx was included in the communications and I noticed that they sold the manufacturing rights to their portable ADS-B Out system to another company and have dropped it from their website.
One last point, in many cases ADS-B systems are installed but are using an uncertified position source that does not provide the data needed to generate a non zero SIL or SDA value. Such systems or ones that are not configured properly may also set the SDA and SIL to zero, and they will receive the same treatment.