Nate, you are attributing a level of knowledge and practice to me I don't have. I don't see the reg requiring a precise takeoff and landing distance calculation. What I read it as requiring is "becoming familiar with"
- "runway lengths at airports of intended use" and
- "takeoff and landing distance information"
I appreciate and compliment that CFIs inculcation of commercial operator level attention to detail, and there is no question demonstrating the ability to do a full TOLD analysis is a necessity (template or not). But I don't think "become familiar" requires a full calculation of takeoff distance for a 172 departing a 10,000' runway at sea level on a standard day. I'm "familiar" enough with the performance data to know it's not an issue.
What I do have is an informational page in my checklists which includes the book required takeoff distance over a 50' obstacle at max gross with zero wind at sea level and a reasonably high density altitude ("reasonably high" is lower now than 5 years ago
). If my departure and destination airports are comfortably within those parameters, i.e., I know I have more than enough runway, I don't do any additional calculation. If they aren't, I definitely do.