Today I conducted VFR operations both from and to an airport with an ASOS reporting a visibility of 1.5miles. Below is a picture representative of the actual field conditions.
Joking aside, is there any regulatory or generally good reason for not just ignoring an obviously wrong automated weather report? If I had filed IFR on the return trip for some reason and it still said 1.5mi visibility would I still be required to file an alternate? Would approaches where that was below minimums become unavailable?
I mean I'm sure any reasonable pilot is just going to go visual. But since is this is POA let's be the best kind of correct- technically correct.
Joking aside, is there any regulatory or generally good reason for not just ignoring an obviously wrong automated weather report? If I had filed IFR on the return trip for some reason and it still said 1.5mi visibility would I still be required to file an alternate? Would approaches where that was below minimums become unavailable?
I mean I'm sure any reasonable pilot is just going to go visual. But since is this is POA let's be the best kind of correct- technically correct.