A CFI yelled at me

I think CFIs do that all the time with their students. Then those students go through live believing them because "the CFI told me so".
I just spent a week showing a guy how to hot start his 172. It always was hard to start because he used a crap procedure that some idiot CFI taught him 20 years ago. He almost crapped his pants when it started in two blades.
Maybe the CFI thought you forced him off the runway surface.


(g)Landing. Aircraft, while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraft in flight or operating on the surface, except that they shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft on final approach. When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way, but it shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of another which is on final approach to land or to overtake that aircraft.
You said he cleared the edge while you were crossing the threshold. That means he was off the runway. No need to be clear of the bars.
Maybe the CFI thought you forced him off the runway surface.


(g)Landing. Aircraft, while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraft in flight or operating on the surface, except that they shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft on final approach. When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right-of-way, but it shall not take advantage of this rule to cut in front of another which is on final approach to land or to overtake that aircraft.

Yeah, I’ve been reading that. The way I read it there would be three airplanes involved. There would be the airplane which has already landed, the ‘forcee.’ The airplane taking advantage of the rule, the ‘forcer.’ And the airplane on final approach that the ‘forcee’ is making way for. There would probably have to be an intersecting runway. Wouldn’t apply to the situation I had. We were the only two airplanes there
You are reading to much into it.

Aircraft, (you) while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraftin flight or operating on the surface.

Except they (you) shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft (the CFI) off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft (you) on final.

If the CFI was rushing to get off the runway, you were forcing him off. Keep in mind the plane on the runway is sight limited to see the landing aircraft.
You are reading to much into it.

Aircraft, (you) while on final approach to land or while landing, have the right-of-way over other aircraftin flight or operating on the surface.

Except they (you) shall not take advantage of this rule to force an aircraft (the CFI) off the runway surface which has already landed and is attempting to make way for an aircraft (you) on final.

If the CFI was rushing to get off the runway, you were forcing him off. Keep in mind the plane on the runway is sight limited to see the landing aircraft.

Yeah. I probably was. Anyway, he made a normal rollout and a normal turn off the runway.
So I take it that no one can recall something in print that says don’t ever land if there is another plane on the runway, period.
No one can recall any regulation that says don't ever land if there is another plane on the runway because there is no regulation that says don't ever land if there is another plane on the runway.
I’m a teacher. I know if I speak harshly to a student I’m going to lose him or her.

If a cfi “yells” at me, I’m shopping for a new instructor. It might work for some students but not most.
I’m a teacher. I know if I speak harshly to a student I’m going to lose him or her.

If a cfi “yells” at me, I’m shopping for a new instructor. It might work for some students but not most.
That’s usually how I fire students. I use my big boy voice and tell them how they are ****ed up. Like magic they never call me again.
I’d ask the CFI’s interpretation of “make way for aircraft on final” means. At what point is he (surface) in violation of 91.113 and at what point is the aircraft on final in violation of 91.113?
No one can recall any regulation that says don't ever land if there is another plane on the runway because there is no regulation that says don't ever land if there is another plane on the runway.

That’s what I thought all along. Now I’m damn sure about it. If there was, someone here probably would have found it by now.
I’m a teacher. I know if I speak harshly to a student I’m going to lose him or her.

If a cfi “yells” at me, I’m shopping for a new instructor. It might work for some students but not most.

Yelling is open to interpretation. I have a student day I yelled at him. When in all reality I just spoke to him about an error. So just because butthurt students say that got yelled at, maybe the CFI jut talked to him about mistake in a tone the student didn’t like. Some students do not know how to handle criticism. Especially the millinials.
I’d ask the CFI’s interpretation of “make way for aircraft on final” means. At what point is he (surface) in violation of 91.113 and at what point is the aircraft on final in violation of 91.113?

I’ll talk to him about the whole thing sometime soon probably. Right then wasn’t the time. I really don’t think he had 91.113 on his mind. He said something about he wasn’t clear of the runway because he wasn’t past the hold lines. We’ll get it sorted out.
Yelling is open to interpretation. I have a student day I yelled at him. When in all reality I just spoke to him about an error. So just because butthurt students say that got yelled at, maybe the CFI jut talked to him about mistake in a tone the student didn’t like. Some students do not know how to handle criticism. Especially the millinials.

Yeah, there is that. If you develop a rapport with your students there is never a reason to use anything more than a conversational tone of voice though. The exception might be with people fresh out of the military. Then you might get away with the “if you **** up the radios one more time you’ll be lucky if you are allowed to fly fake dog**** out of Hong Kong” line.
I’ll talk to him about the whole thing sometime soon probably. Right then wasn’t the time. I really don’t think he had 91.113 on his mind. He said something about he wasn’t clear of the runway because he wasn’t past the hold lines. We’ll get it sorted out.
I do not believe the hold lines determine being clear of the runway.
The only reason I believe that is because numerous controllers here on POA have stated that.
I do not believe the hold lines determine being clear of the runway.
The only reason I believe that is because numerous controllers here on POA have stated that.

Yeah. I think this guy was kinda thinking about the rules about exiting runways at controlled airports and bringing them to the uncontrolled airport discussion. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. It’s all about airplanes not running into each other. I’m one of those numerous controllers that have been in those threads. What it is, is you are not clear of the runway until you cross the lines. However, for the purposes of runway operations and issuing landing and takeoff clearances, the Tower ‘considers’ an airplane clear of the runway when it has passed the ‘edge’ of the runway and no instruction were given to impede it’s progress across the lines.