A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

This is the lesser of two double bone in rib chops I did for dinner. I was too busy salivating after splitting the first and getting it on the table to remember to take pics. Before:


I judged another contest today. Pretty mixed bag, nothing really stood out on the top end but there were a few things that were memorable for the wrong reasons.

There was a chef’s choice category. I didn’t get to judge that one so I stuck around to see the entries. A lot of deserts. I also saw lamb chops, bacon wrapped shrimp, cheeseburger sliders, cornbread, and one or two things I’ve forgotten.
That looks awesome

Thanks. I’m not a huge fan of rib chops like this, but they’re sexy and these tasted as good as they look.

Smoked them at 250 to 138* then finished at 500 for about 2 min/side then 2mins on the fat cap. Black pepper base with War Pig’s Ham Grenade (brown sugar, chipotle, & paprika) rub that set for a couple of hours before going on the smoker.
Thanks. I’m not a huge fan of rib chops like this, but they’re sexy and these tasted as good as they look.

Smoked them at 250 to 138* then finished at 500 for about 2 min/side then 2mins on the fat cap. Black pepper base with War Pig’s Ham Grenade (brown sugar, chipotle, & paprika) rub that set for a couple of hours before going on the smoker.
I think you did it right. I generally aim at 137 so we’re right on the same page.

I’ll do a whole pork loin that way. Then I can slice it however I like: thick for boneless loin chops and thin for sandwiches.