A barbecue adventure, the saga unfolds.

Beef. It’s what for dinner.


Not the prettiest, but it’ll do. Smoked to 110* then seared.


It looks weird because I trimmed that big ol’ chink of fat off after it set. Need to get a dog, because all that’s left is the bone.
I recently discovered my new favorite steak cut...the bavette. I'd heard of them, but never had one. They're sometimes called the butcher's cut, as a lot of them get taken home and never make it to the cold case. The are a little similar to a skirt steak and a flank steak, but the grain is more open, and they tend to be more tender. They soak up marinade like a sponge.
I'd won a gift certificate to Porter Road in a BBQ competition, so I made a bavette part of the order. A whole bavette weighs about three pounds, and it is best cooked on a very hot grill for just 2 or 3 minutes a side. We had it three nights in a row, first as a steak, marinated in olive oil, red wine vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and Worcestershire. This was served with freshly made chimichurri. We used a Mexican marinade the next night, and made a killer batch of fajitas. Night three, we went back to the exact recipe from the first night.

