Technique can make a fair amount of difference as well...if your "minimum sink rate at touchdown" is due to a long, low approach, a few seconds of float, or a touch of power, you're going to have a higher deck angle at stall than you will if the "minimum sink rate at touchdown" is the bottom of an arc that's tangent to the ground (imagine doing a loop where the wheels just touch the ground at the bottom). I do this with my Maule coming in over the trees on my excess of 1000 fpm descent, arrested while reaching full up-elevator just as all three wheels kiss the ground (assuming I've been practicing
). This is pretty extreme, but it might give you a better picture of what I'm talking about. What I'm trying to point out, though, is that if you adjust your technique slightly, you can "make" a negligible difference between full-stall and three-point.
Fly safe!