Flew around 100 hours.
Cloud Nine upgraded from the 310 to the 414, which has been a phenomenal improvement, doubling our capacity (40-50 dogs is the norm, now)
Flew a 414 for the first time on the ferry flight of Cloud Nine's new bird that had been sitting for 6 years.
@jesse was afraid to fly in the same state while that was happening.
Got MT 4-bladed propellers on the 414 (a huge improvement), and also overhauled the fuel systems as well as new fuel and oil hoses, plus some other maintenance and upgrades.
Celebrated 10 years of working in the aviation industry. I'd say where did the time go, but I knew where it went! Mostly through about 50,000 gallons of 100LL, and a couple thousand of Jet-A.
All in all, a good year. I do miss the 500-hour years I used to fly, but the current pace is appropriate for the changes in life. Looking forward to 2017!