2016 year in review

In the last 12 months I put 44 hours on my Mooney and 23 on my RV. Surpassed the 1,500 hour total time mark, and logged my 900th landing. Most miraculously, my name bubbled to the top of the hangar list at Petaluma (O69), so now I have a nice T-hangar there. Not a bad year for me.
In the last 12 months I put 44 hours on my Mooney and 23 on my RV. Surpassed the 1,500 hour total time mark, and logged my 900th landing. Most miraculously, my name bubbled to the top of the hangar list at Petaluma (O69), so now I have a nice T-hangar there. Not a bad year for me.
67 hours? Total? You need to fly more. Especially having 2 planes, that is not enough hours for 1.
800 hours
Left Alaska and started flying a PC12
2017 will probably start with me back in AK (and if the place is as advertised, hopefully so will the next few years)

I'm pretty ready for this dumpster fire of a year to be over
Bought my first plane in march. Passed the checkride October 27th after waiting for darkness (alaska) and DPE scheduling.
Am now at 145 hours total for the year and it's not over yet!!!!!

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Sounds like you bought the plane while in training... which one did u buy? I am considering buying one..still in training..long ways from solo. Any l3arning experience you can share is much appreciated

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Restarted training after a 12 year layoff. Passed my checkride in October. Bought my plane in July. About 70 hours this year.

And Cubs won the World Series.
Knocked out the instrument rating, got a complex endorsement, took each of my immediate family members for their first "private flight", logged about 100 hours in the lightning fast Cherokee and got engaged...so hopefully I still get to fly in 2017....
Okay, now we do 2016 review...
190 hours...$28.4 per hour in 100ll alone.
Finally got my mind in the right place (debatable) and decided to buy a plane. After much debating with myself between Mooney MSE's, Ovations and Cessna 310 Q's and R's, I decided on a nice 310Q. Made a reasonable offer and obviously offended the seller. Wouldn't reply to me. Oh well. Wasn't meant to be. By close out of 2017 I will for sure have one! Even though I am 90% sure of the twin cessna, I still can't stop looking at the Mooney's.
My 2016 wasn't great but best I've done yet:

2016 hours: 81.4, 20.5 of which I was paid to do!
This year led to completing my Commercial SEL, attended Sun N Fun for the first time and also flying a few new a/c types.
TT for me now is 284.9
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Still married....
No harassing letters from the IRS....
Moved my 85 year old mom in with us...(plus her 130 pound dog)
Still standing.....

Life is good.
I decided on a nice 310Q. Made a reasonable offer and obviously offended the seller. Wouldn't reply to me. Oh well. Wasn't meant to be. By close out of 2017 I will for sure have one! Even though I am 90% sure of the twin cessna, I still can't stop looking at the Mooney's.

You'd like the R model betterIMO. Has a big nose cargo compartment which is very helpful for W&B.
-I got my instrument rating in July
-Bought my first airplane (Grumman Tiger) in November and now rent a t-hangar for it
Passed CSEL.
Bought first airplane (7ECA)
Tailwheel endorsement
Started on CFI
Started on CMEL.
Sold our Portland condominium and moved back into our Vancouver house, fixed it up some then sold that. The condo was on the market for five hours before it sold for full asking price, sight unseen. The house took a long time to sell -- three days, full asking price. So we moved twice in 2016 (oy), and in just three weeks we load up the moving van and head to our new condo in Phoenix.

In late October, before the northwest weather turned sour (and boy, did it!) I flew the 172 to its new hangar in Phoenix. We've made a couple of short trips by airline to PHX since then, so I've been able to put a few hours on the airplane there.

And oh yes, as I type this I am 24 hours into my retirement. :D
Well bigger hangar then! :D

FBO I flew had 5, couple Rs, Q, M, and one other models I don't recall, maybe a K? Didn't have hangar problem because they were tied down outside.
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...And oh yes, as I type this I am 24 hours into my retirement. :D

The new President sez he'll get your job back. Retirement is an overrated status. Get back to work dammit. The economy needs you! :);)

When I tried retiring the first time, Mrs GRG55 started telling her friends it was 4 times worse than before - twice the husband and half the income.
In 2016 I spent 363 days with my feet on the ground-- A fancy way of saying I added 48 hours to my log book. It's actually the lowest amount of hours I've flown since getting my PPL. I'll need to change that in 2017!
- first Pilots N Paws flight from Niagara Falls (KIAG) to Flint (KFNT) in January, total number of PNP flights in 2016: 8
- flew the Cessna to New York in May
- sold the Cessna in June
- got my tailwheel and RV tailwheel / trike endorsement in July
- bought the Mooney in July (end of July)
- participated at the 6Y9 fly-in in September :)
- took the Mooney to Bar Harbor / Maine in September
- West coast vacation with our Mooney in December
> miles covered: 4,200 NM
> furthest point West: Catalina Island :D
> landed on the lowest elevation airport in North America: Furnace Creek

- total of 92 hours (keep in mind: I have to share flight time with my husband... :(;):))

2016 was a good year. :)
I dunno, this last week sure seems to have had an unusual number of accidents. :(
Welp, I was flying today, so I waited until now to post so I wouldn't jinx it. Just under 600 hours of accident, incident-free flying for work. Didn't bend any metal, and didn't knock up any flight attendants. Pretty much all you can ask for in my industry. :)

Only flew about 20 GA hours though, which is way too little. Hopefully will do better in 2017.
Not owning my own plane (the closest rentals are 45-1 hour away) I never get to fly as much as I would like but I did fly more than last year 47.2 hours YTD.
Got checked out in a J5 and flew 34 hours in it this summer and managed to land the tail dragger 130 times without balling it up.

Became the most dangerous pilot in the sky as I am currently sitting at 200.1 hours :eek: but since I started flying again a few years ago after a 20+ year layoff I am hoping the clock was reset.:p
Let's see, this year I:
Flew about 80 hrs
Crossed the 100 and 150 hr mark in my own plane (the arrow)
Started commercial and cfi/cfii training (all but finished the commercial, checkride scheduled for Jan 12!)
Took and passed the Commercial, CFI, CFII writtens
Total time for me is just shy of 250 hours
And I also met a lot more people at the airport, and made some good connections!
I also passed my (first ever) second class medical.
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Flew to Cuba for a six day trip.
Got the airplane 2020 compliant.
-Flew some.
-Had my last Medical.
-Did my first PnP flights.
-Finally got Teresa to briefly take the controls (did not fall out of the sky, to her amazement).
-Got the dogs more comfortable flying with K-9 Ear Muffs (good customer service when Bucky chewed his up).
-Got off the kinder, more-friendly (no, really) FAA's Double Secret Probation for clipping an R-area after two years of being a good boy.
-Procrastinated on my Instrument written.
In 2016 I passed my IR check ride, commercial, CFI, and CFII. Almost got my multi in there as well, but weather had to postpone that check ride.
-BFR in Maui
- first trip into Oshkosh
- Rcvd text from son saying he passed his private checkride
I dunno, this last week sure seems to have had an unusual number of accidents. :(

No kidding, yesterday seemed to be especially harsh... :(

For me in 2016:
- Flew 130 hours between the Mooney and Bo
- Sold our first plane in August and bought our second plane 4 days later
- Passed the Commercial SEL check ride in December
- Added 5 new states and 26 airports to the logbook
- Lost a few family members to natural causes... :(
- Still healthy and upright for the most part...
- Spent the last 5 months prepping my oldest to get kicked out when he graduates in June...I believe he will do just fine on his own...with his plan...:D

I had fun flying :)

I made the mistake of totaling my spending on MX, fuel, insurance and hangar. I could have had the same outcome on my finances by buying an average new car for cash, and then pushing it off a cliff. :eek:
I had fun flying :)

I made the mistake of totaling my spending on MX, fuel, insurance and hangar. I could have had the same outcome on my finances by buying an average new car for cash, and then pushing it off a cliff. :eek:

:yikes:, never ever do that... Add up the cost I mean...:goofy::goofy::goofy:
I had fun flying :)

I made the mistake of totaling my spending on MX, fuel, insurance and hangar. I could have had the same outcome on my finances by buying an average new car for cash, and then pushing it off a cliff. :eek:

Do what I do, divide spending by number of hours logged, then compare to what it costs to rent. If you fly enough it will be less than renting, then you can convince yourself you are saving money!! Works for me, but had 190 hours.
If you are going to own a plane, you have to be good at rationalization.
Do what I do, divide spending by number of hours logged, then compare to what it costs to rent. If you fly enough it will be less than renting, then you can convince yourself you are saving money!! Works for me, but had 190 hours.
If you are going to own a plane, you have to be good at rationalization.

That's what we do. Having your own plane is so much cheaper than renting... :):D And you can go flying whenever you want, don't have to be back at a certain time because someone else has booked the plane, and so on... You just have to put it into the correct perspective... :D:D:D
Do what I do, divide spending by number of hours logged, then compare to what it costs to rent. If you fly enough it will be less than renting, then you can convince yourself you are saving money!! Works for me, but had 190 hours.
If you are going to own a plane, you have to be good at rationalization.

That's what we do. Having your own plane is so much cheaper than renting... :):D And you can go flying whenever you want, don't have to be back at a certain time because someone else has booked the plane, and so on... You just have to put it into the correct perspective... :D:D:D

Not to mention you get to fly types that likely aren't available for renting. A 172 or Cherokee is only so fun.