112-hour pilot attempting circumnavigation... !

After my first solo cross country I felt I was ready to circle the globe.

Or at least drive to Circle K for a 12 pack......
Damn. I suppose that means I have to suffer through another long thread of yours with tons of glorious pictures of great places? I about overdosed on rampant jealousy on your Alaska trip. I doubt if I can stand another.

I hate you.

This reminds me of the guy that killed his seven year old daughter attempting a stunt like this.


Same here, mother was to blame also, was defending the decision even after the accident. Meanwhile if they did make it, the CFI was obviously PIC in all ways that are important. As for this glory seeker, if he does circumnavigate with an experienced pilot in the right seat, he deserves zero credit, imo.
Same here, mother was to blame also, was defending the decision even after the accident. Meanwhile if they did make it, the CFI was obviously PIC in all ways that are important. As for this glory seeker, if he does circumnavigate with an experienced pilot in the right seat, he deserves zero credit, imo.

Meh... If that's how everyone thinks, it just encourages them to go alone. In this case, that means the guy is probably going to kill himself and leave behind a young family. I hope he does take an experienced right seater with him.
You don’t really need a liability policy or any other insurance to fly, right?
some countries require it. It is not required in the US per se, though most instructors and some facilities (airports, mechanics, etc) require it before they'll serve you.
Did he ever make it? Stops in the middle east

Think he was more into the adventure, as I recall he stayed in Thailand for some time

He did get to do stuff like ride elephants and play with RPGs though


In the US, in other countries not so much. Canada requires a million for SE.

Which I’ve never seen them ask for evidence of
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Seaplanes magazine published a chronicle of an around the world trip in a Searey. Now THAT'S a trip!

That's a lot of fuel he put on board that (SeaReys don't have the biggest gross weight to begin with). And adverse winds with a slow plane like that even with a lot of fuel would make me pucker a bit.
I'm more impressed by the purser on the Pacific Clipper circumnavigation than by the pilot of a PC-12 circumnavigation. Not to say that I wouldn't like to do it. But I wouldn't feel the need to toot my own horn like I was exploring uncharted territory.
I really don’t see the issue here.
I think I'm gonna line up a bazillion sponsors and circumnavigate my home airstrip in the 150 this weekend. Stay tuned for updates. I'll divulge my flight school and total hours after mission complete.
That's what I get for trying to be funny. :confused: