“If you need anything I’ll be in the back.”

Wonder how long until that medical certificate gets revoked.
"The charges against Mr. Jones are shocking to his mother and family," said Jones' lawyer, …At this stage we are acutely concerned with his mental health….
I wonder if he filled out his medical app honestly. People acting out like this make it much harder for those with issues that are under control to get a medical.
I wonder if he filled out his medical app honestly. People acting out like this make it much harder for those with issues that are under control to get a medical.

If you've never been tested / diagnosed, what do you report?
If you've never been tested / diagnosed, what do you report?
Not sure it will ever come out, but it sounds like there was a history. A family doesn't usually start talking about mental health until there has been some type of acting out. It usually builds, but this could have been his first episode.
I guess you could just read through the DSM and see if you have any reportable illness and go straight to the HIMS AME for guidance.
If I can't be called as an expert witness to testify about said diagnosis, I shouldn't be self diagnosing and fidning someone to agree with me either.

Just sayin.
He’s 19-peak age for onset of a schizophrenic break. He may not have had significant psychiatric symptoms previously.

May not be his issue, at all. But…

"incoherent speech, disorganized behavior, mood lability and appears to be experiencing psychosis." Was how his lawyer described his mental state.
He’s 19-peak age for onset of a schizophrenic break. He may not have had significant psychiatric symptoms previously.

May not be his issue, at all. But…

"incoherent speech, disorganized behavior, mood lability and appears to be experiencing psychosis." Was how his lawyer described his mental state.

As I’ve said elsewhere, counsel will say whatever you pay them to say. If that means saying you’re crazy to stay out of jail or prison that’s one thing. But it’s not a medical diagnosis.
He’s 19-peak age for onset of a schizophrenic break. He may not have had significant psychiatric symptoms previously.

May not be his issue, at all. But…

"incoherent speech, disorganized behavior, mood lability and appears to be experiencing psychosis." Was how his lawyer described his mental state.
Or... Being 19 popped a pill or...something. remember crazy lady seeing the dude that wasn't real?
As I’ve said elsewhere, counsel will say whatever you pay them to say. If that means saying you’re crazy to stay out of jail or prison that’s one thing. But it’s not a medical diagnosis.
For sure. Here though, it seems to jibe with the descriptions of his behavior on that flight.
Is there a student pilot license or certificate now? Back in my day it was your medical.
"Back in the Day", your initial medical included a yellow tab that was pulled and served as your student certificate and a medical.
Now everything is online. So if you need a medical prior to solo, you do that through MedXpress and see the local AME to complete the process and the AME prints the medical certificate from the online source. To get your PLASTIC student pilot certificate, you apply online through IACRA with your CFI. You can print a temp paper student certificate, your plastic certificate will come through the mail. It's only good for 5 yrs.

I wonder what mental disorder this student pilot suffers from?
Clearly side effects from his acne medicine.

But it's pretty scary that a student pilot would have notebooks with how to operate an aircraft in them...
"Back in the Day", your initial medical included a yellow tab that was pulled and served as your student certificate and a medical.
Now everything is online. So if you need a medical prior to solo, you do that through MedXpress and see the local AME to complete the process and the AME prints the medical certificate from the online source. To get your PLASTIC student pilot certificate, you apply online through IACRA with your CFI. You can print a temp paper student certificate, your plastic certificate will come through the mail. It's only good for 5 yrs.
So there is a Student Pilot Certificate? Is it required?
From the original article:

The flight was traveling from California to Virginia on March 3, according to an affidavit filed by federal air marshal Thomas G. Pattinson and reviewed by CBS News.

I'm glad they had that affidavit to determine where the aircraft was heading.
I wonder if he filled out his medical app honestly. People acting out like this make it much harder for those with issues that are under control to get a medical.
He probably never applied for a medical. He also probably never had a lesson in his life.