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  1. westslopeco

    Barn finds

    Actually, I think most of the water from Colorado flows towards the left coast...
  2. westslopeco requirements?

    I guess that means that I have listened to one of your upstairs bedrooms :)
  3. westslopeco

    Barn finds

    We do actually (except that we call them reservoirs :rolleyes: ) I live five miles from just one such body of water. Stagecoach Reservoir is longer than it is wide, aligned with the prevailing wind, and has excellent approach and departure terrain.
  4. westslopeco

    Barn finds

    I was told that the law was enacted because "they" got tired of having to get stuck planes out of the high mountain lakes (the old you can land shorter than you can take off...). I am not sure if that is the correct reason, but it is the only one I have ever heard.
  5. westslopeco

    Barn finds

    Unfortunately it is illegal to land on water in Colorado :(
  6. westslopeco

    Amazing new fuel additive!

    Electrolytes, it's what an engine needs!
  7. westslopeco

    Best aviation software for android phones?

    I also use the eeePad Transformer, but I have not had problems like you mention with GPS reception. I have used it quite a bit in the last two months, both on the yoke, and on my knee. One thing I do as part of pre-flight is turn on the tablet and let it get a GPS lock while still outside the...
  8. westslopeco

    License to Learn - Never Again. Nut roasting fail.

    Wow, all I can say is that I am glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I read your post. That is one of the funniest things I have read in a while. Hopefully the chestnuts (aka squirell brains) are easy to clean up...
  9. westslopeco

    Hi from Denver

    Another recommendation for Western Air. I got my PPL there in 2008 with John Bowman. I also flew with a few other instructors there while getting my PPL. They are all really good. I have become friends with John, and go down to Denver to visit from time to time. As mentioned, John also...
  10. westslopeco

    Amazing Owl Video

    I liked how he waited to extend his landing gear until the last possible moment.
  11. westslopeco

    310 Cal to Hawaii - *Almost* - Then Ditches

    Just curious as to how you came to this conclusion. Do we know what power settings he was flying with? My guess is that an experienced ferry pilot would have flown at the power setting that yeilded the best MPG, especially when he realized that he might be short of fuel (as this pilot did...
  12. westslopeco

    Advice, please -- Whom Shall We Sue? (Non-Av)

    Jay, My husband works for Visa in the Arbitration and Compliance dept. and he says DO NOT file for arbitration, you will lose. The reason you will loose is that Federal Law requires that a cardholder gets full credit in the event of fraud (as they are claiming). In this case, since you never...
  13. westslopeco

    Bounced Paycheck

    Nick, I don't think so. The employer withheld the tax money, and so it is the employer who is responsible, not the employee. The IRS takes a very dim view of employers who fail to deposit witheld taxes to the IRS as it was never the employers money in the first place! I had an acquaintance...
  14. westslopeco

    N/A What is your favorite brand of kitchen knife?

    Scott, those are some nice looking knives! Maybe just a bit more than I want to spend, but then again I realize the premium price for a premium tools is usually worth it. What about ceramic knives? Do theyreally hold an edge as long as they claim? What about breakeage?
  15. westslopeco

    N/A What is your favorite brand of kitchen knife?

    A few years ago I bought my first nice kitchen knife, a Wusthof Santoku, and am ready to add to my collection. I have been very impressed with the edge holding ability of the Wusthof knife, but I don't really have anything to compare it with except my other cheap knives. For my next knife I...
  16. westslopeco

    Mountain Flying Training near Denver

    Paul, it was very cool meeting you. Your landing at SBS looked good from the ramp! Your timing was impecable for the aspens turning. Here is a picture I took that same morning on a flight from Durango to Steamboat.
  17. westslopeco

    Mountain Flying Training near Denver

    Nate, I am not sure where you got the idea that Rabbit Ears is always socked in, but as a local I can assure you that the opposite is true. Most days Rabbit ears is VMC, of course in the winter, if there is a storm, it will be cloudy, but no more so than any other mtn pass in CO.
  18. westslopeco

    Mountain Flying Training near Denver

    Tell John that Tony from Steamboat says hi!
  19. westslopeco


    Might be a bit hard to manipulate the rudder pedals with skates on...:wink2:
  20. westslopeco

    Familiarize yourself!

    Sitting here on my couch my thought is that it would have been easier to hit the master, and then once safely in the air, work out which breaker was for the auto pilot. (of course it is always easy to second guess when not in the heat of the moment). Good job dealing with the situation!