Amazing new fuel additive!

Is that the same stuff that's at the gas stations now as a push the button $9.99 fuel additive with magical powers?
Bogus. There are contradictory statements in that ad. Today's gasolines are refined with long hydrocarbon chains to control the fuel burn rate and therefore detonation; the refineries had to develop such processes to deal with the removal of tetraethyl lead. If this stuff breaks down long hydrocarbon chains, it lowers octane rating; yet they claim it eliminates spark knock and detonation.

Snake oil, I think. If this was really a new, worthwhile advance I think we'd have heard of it before now. Right?

I burn mogas and save $2.20 per gallon. Then I run LOP and save another 3 gallons per hour. Heck, by the time I add this stuff I will be down to burning 3 GPH! :rofl:
If its got what plants crave, it must have what engines crave too. Electrolytes.
I burn mogas and save $2.20 per gallon. Then I run LOP and save another 3 gallons per hour. Heck, by the time I add this stuff I will be down to burning 3 GPH! :rofl:

If it gets any better than that your tank will fill itself and overflow in flight instead of running dry.

Who's going to be the first do an IMC flight. Do the math with the bare legal minimum reserves then put in 26% less because you added this stuff? HEY! There's a lawsuit.
It doesn't have "nanotechnology", it has "NANO technology".
That's very different, and apparently much more impressive.
Yeah, the only way to have LESS technology is to have PICO technology.

OK, I guess you could have even less, but then it gets really hard. It's almost like having no technology at all.

It still amazes me that there are people who fall for this kind of stuff. My wife tells me it really shouldn't, but it does.
The amazing thing about this is that they will probably sell a metric buttload of the stuff...
NANU Technology?
