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  1. mr_happyland

    Is a plane faster than a car over 126 miles?

    As somebody who has posted a few of my videos here in the past, I'm all for a forum dedicated to videos and pictures. I like to watch (some) aviation YT videos but totally empathize with others that don't. That said, the OP's video certainly isn't spam. He's not making a penny from this video...
  2. mr_happyland

    Cessna 172H deal - Your thoughts?

    That doesn't sound like a good pre-buy to me. 10-15K just to get things in decent shape...and that doesn't even include the all the interior work that needs to be done? Plus the avionics install? It seems to me like the ever-alluring modern avionics are blurring your vision as to what you would...
  3. mr_happyland

    No Media Report but... Mooney M20 Near Peoria, IL

    Airborne 4hrs 50 min. Not good. After engine quits over endless flat farmland, he decides to land in the center of the only town for miles. Literally crashes into the outside of a restaurant during lunch hours. Really not good. At least nobody on the ground was injured. RIP
  4. mr_happyland

    a bit different "what plane should I buy" question

    Tiger back seat is roomy. That said, you're not gonna find one for $70K in this market. Also, 180hp gets pretty anemic in the high DA west ESPECIALLY if you are within a few hundred pounds of max gross.
  5. mr_happyland

    Hangar Costs and Considerations

    I pay 400 for a standard T hangar with power at WHP. I’d imagine TOA, if available, would be at least a couple hundred more.
  6. mr_happyland


    You’ve gotten this far, try not to let this one guy bring you down too much. How has communication been with your instructor? He/she most certainly wouldn’t have signed you off to take the check ride unless they thought you were ready. Assuming you are truly prepared for the check ride, to me...
  7. mr_happyland

    Seller: Pre-Buy MUST be done at home base

    I agree. I wouldn’t let somebody that wasn’t me take my plane elsewhere. When I bought my plane, I brought a mechanic with me to the owners home airport.
  8. mr_happyland

    30% increase in flying cost.

    While it’s perfectly fair to have fundamental disagreements and grievances with the current POTUS (of which the OP admittedly has), my point was that the current administration hasn’t had any appreciable effect on his flying club prices being increased by 30%, which is what his suspicions were...
  9. mr_happyland

    30% increase in flying cost.

    As much as you would like to blame the current administration for your increased flying club prices, you would be incorrect. While certain policies can affect long term prices, the current rise in crude oil or the increased insurance rates have nothing to do with that particular individual. What...
  10. mr_happyland

    Need a new DG. G5 vs G275 vs refurbished DG

    So many AV30 user complaints when acting as a DG, "reportedly" fixed with software update. No external magnetometer. I'll pass.
  11. mr_happyland

    Need a new DG. G5 vs G275 vs refurbished DG

    My DG is slowly on the way out and I need to decide whether to OH or upgrade as well. Ultimately, a dual 275 configuration is the way I want to go. As far as G5 vs 275...the 275 is certainly the superior unit. There are database updates, but pretty sure they aren't required for the 275. As far...
  12. mr_happyland

    Aerobatics Pilot Killed in Runway Overrun, St. Augustine, 02 March

    Her previous two flights that same day were both 20-ish minutes circling over the airport. I wonder if she was trying to troubleshoot an engine issue before continuing onward?
  13. mr_happyland

    No luck with Surefly Ignition. Tech support awful. Engine won't start

    I'm currently getting an impulse-coupled SF installed on my AG5B during annual, as well as a new right-side slick mag. Perhaps unrelated to your issue, there were some problems related to 24v airplanes that were reportedly resolved in the latest revision D version of Sureflys. I know multiple...
  14. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    I don't disagree with what you are saying. The night sky viewing thing is a joke. But if I put myself in NPS' shoes, I (naively perhaps?) don't see anti-GA sentiment. It seems they just have a hard time finding $3M to allocate to a relatively seldom-used resource....particularly an unusual...
  15. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    I listened in on the NPS online meeting regarding (among other things) the proposed changes to Stovepipe Wells airstrip. It was very informative. My biggest takeaways were: -3 million needed to repair Stovepipe and 5 million for Furnace Creek runways. -not eligible for FAA funding b/c the...
  16. mr_happyland

    Well, I certainly found the most expensive way to get to Florida.

    Yikes. Glad you are safe. Curious, in that scenario was it a continuous drip drip drip accumulating on the windshield or was it splashed on fairly quickly?
  17. mr_happyland

    Surefly...impulse coupled or non?

    Both of mags have enough hours on them that I'm considering swapping one our for a Surefly and replacing/overhauling the other. I'm hearing differing opinions on which one to swap out with the EI. This would be for a 24v AG5B. Enlighten me with your opinions. And yes...I'm aware of the previous...
  18. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    The surface at Stovepipe Wells isn't that bad. I've landed on plenty worse.
  19. mr_happyland

    NPS attempting to close airstrip at Stovepipe Wells

    IMPORTANT UPDATE REGARDING STOVEPIPE WELLS The NPS has just updated their environmental assessment and has reopened it for public comments. Regarding the airport, the new assessment proposes 2 approaches: A) letting the current strip remain as-is until there is funding to convert it to a...
  20. mr_happyland

    Show Us Your Pets!

    This is Mochi Monster. We just adopted her 1.5 weeks ago. 3 months old. So far she’s lived up to her name…half soft and sweet, half monster.