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  1. Shipoke

    Welcome to Spring, y'all!

    Mine Too Troy Dave G
  2. Shipoke

    Cessnas 2 Oshkosh 2009

    I wish i would have known about this before today, but then i don't fly a Cessna. But would like to attend a Clinic on formation flying. amybe someone will do it with Pipers and i'll get to go next year. Dave G
  3. Shipoke

    Flyin' Lady

    I use to do that kind of stuff on Roller skates . Harley Dave G
  4. Shipoke

    Anybody need a new Cadillac DTS?

    All I Can Say is ................................................................OUCH Dave G
  5. Shipoke

    Anybody play an ashiko?

    Zagreb, Thats where My grand Perant came from . i wanted to go there but my Grand father told me"Dave there is nothing there for you, Thats why we left" so i never went. Maybe someday i will go and see for myself. Dave Gaiski (Yugoslavain decendant)
  6. Shipoke

    The "Hanoi Taxi"

    VERY NICE Lisa, Thank You. Dave G
  7. Shipoke

    Any divers on the board?

    Well i'll add myCongrats on getting certified. I too am a Diver with Advanced open water, Nitrox and Drysuit certs. I haven't mixed flying and diving, and as some people said i don't use dive tables i use a Computer. in either case Be Safe and Enjoy both activities. We don't need to read about...
  8. Shipoke

    Philly this weekend

    And on your way home ( or going there) you can stop by here and say HI,(but you'll probably be to tired to do that ).Anyway Missa have a good time and ENJOY. Dave G.
  9. Shipoke

    How to make a plastic airplane

    Actually Brian . I prefer Mike video, but then i always was a suck for Loonie-Toons Dave G
  10. Shipoke

    Congratulations Robert Capps

    Welcome to the Fraternaty (excuse spelling)of Avation Nuts Robert. FLY SAFE and have fun. Dave G
  11. Shipoke

    We Are doing it again

    Thanks Adam Dave G
  12. Shipoke

    We Are doing it again

    Well folks it's set May 2 2009 will be our annual Special Needs Fly-in. Any one that wants to help Flying the kids or ground support are welcome. Last year Wx didn't let us fly but the kids had a great time riding in the Corvette's Police Cars,Hot Rods , and lots of stuff to eat. To fly the kids...
  13. Shipoke

    We've moved!

    Well Peg, the other year i sort of had the same problen. My Hangar rent went from$285 a month to $495 and i did somewhat the same thing. After i figured out that my flying droped off i moved back to CXY but only into a tie-down. If prices come back down i will go into a hangar again. All i can...
  14. Shipoke

    Wardrobe as a learning tool

    Well Jason ,i'll and that Graham is cute, And never to early to start him on a Avaition based learning curve. Dave G
  15. Shipoke

    Poor Piper :(

    Well i'll add me 2 cents here.sorry about pipers nail problem Nick. as far as the rest of the dogs Bear told me to tell you " Hey we are getting old and developing Altzheimers and selective hearing' (lol) He hears what he wants and ignores the rest. But mention FOOD or OUT and he's there. Dave G
  16. Shipoke

    Paul Harvey: RIP

    I Agree with all of you ,what a great loss. I realy like "The Rest Of The Story". Dave G.
  17. Shipoke

    Guns, Hot Babe, Exploding Stuff...

    I Want the gun she shot at the van.Actually i'd take any of them . Dave G Thanks for posting spike
  18. Shipoke

    Places to Fly Before You Die- Midwest Edition

    Well come on over then . He will love it and it's a good time for everyone during the summer they have a tour bus that runs. And Gettysburg is only about 1/2 hour drive from CXY Dave G.
  19. Shipoke

    Places to Fly Before You Die- Midwest Edition

    Well Steve, I'm in PA.and i'd suggest flying into CXY (Capital City) and renting a car. From there you can go to Hershey Park. Tour the Amish country around Lancaster Pa, Visit Gettysburg, and say HI to me (lol) i live in Harrisburg. And if your into Horse racing there is Penn National race...
  20. Shipoke

    I post, you decide

    In my mind Squrriels are for shooting :yesnod: The Village People should have been shot long time ago :mad2: Two fat guys leaning against a juck car ,should be shot also :vomit: So my vote is for number 4.:thumbsup: Dave G :blueplane: