Philly this weekend


Apr 3, 2005
Hughesville, PA
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So, I'm planing on heading to Philly this weekend for some shopping therapy. (no, by car not airplane :redface:) I've been deprived too long and basically I can't find any shoes for work around these parts so I'm going to King of Prussia to go shopping. I'm meeting a freind I know from MI who moved to Philly about 2 years ago then after shopping we are going to head to her place (near the airport) then figure out what to do from there.

This is really my first time to Philly to bum around someplace other then Wings.

Suggestions for what to do Saturday night and Sunday before I return to the middle of nowhere?

I'm thinking of going for the Histoical sites type tour on Sunday...

What shouldn't I miss?

It's likely I will be making the trip agian soon... lots of time on my hands now that I'm single agian.

1) You should be taking the Archer, not the car. Just don't fill it up at Wings and you'll have plenty of useful load for your return trip.

2) Go to KLOM, and make Andrew take you flying in his Matrix.
1) You should be taking the Archer, not the car. Just don't fill it up at Wings and you'll have plenty of useful load for your return trip.

2) Go to KLOM, and make Andrew take you flying in his Matrix.

U know I am in need of a BFR... that hasn't changed. :(
Sat nite? You can see the craziness on South Street, hang out in Headhouse Square. It has been a LONG time LLLLLLLOOOONNNNGGGG time since I enjoyed the frivolity of a Saturday night in Philly, but JC Dobbs, if it's still there at 3rd and South has great bands, although, IIRC they usually don't start til around 10pm. A number of good bars down there.

Maybe dinner at the Chart House on the DE River. Great view of the river and the BB USS New Jersey across the river. Finish dinner, scoot over to South Street for nitecap and people watching.

The Franklin Institute is a neat science museum. The Art Museum is pretty impressive (I'm not a really big museum-goer, but I've actually enjoyed it). Valley Forge Nat'l Park is, well, kinda underwhelming. The visitors center has a nice movie presentation. After that you can drive thru the park, stopping at various sites and wandering around. My kids love checking out the soldiers' huts. You can visit Washington's HQ there too.

If you're really ambitious, head over the river to the Camden Aquarium. It's easy to get to, and a neat place.

Matrix rides offered on Sunday mid-morning. :yesnod::D
U know I am in need of a BFR... that hasn't changed. :(

Oh, well why didn't you say so? I'll fly you in the Archer. Or the Mooney even.
Matrix rides offered on Sunday mid-morning. :yesnod::D

Clearly, this is the best thing to see/do in Philly!

Once I get my MEL I'll have to come down one mid-morning and perhaps we can give eachother rides. :yesnod:
And on your way home ( or going there) you can stop by here and say HI,(but you'll probably be to tired to do that ).Anyway Missa have a good time and ENJOY.
Dave G.
Silly me. If you're going to Center City, you have to see Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Worthwhile trips. The Constitution Center is also pretty interesting.

I used to live in Center City and go running past the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall all the time. I got kinda blase about being so close to history. We used to stagger home from the bars using Independence Hall as a short cut. You can't do that anymore. :frown3:
What are you waiting for, the MEL is easy!!!:D:D:D

You know me, I try to under-promise and over-deliver on check rides, or in general. :)

Actually, until yesterday I hadn't flown my plane for a month. After I did that trip to Kentucky and back I was focusing on getting my Comm single done, and then right after that I went to Boston for work. So, hopefully I'll get the multi done soon! :yes:
Ooo... Matrix.

My friend just informed me she's a block from the train so it looks like that is how the night life might be delivered. I really want to do the constitution hall thing. If we go downtown for the night life... that my be enough. ; )