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  1. W

    Best way to learn holding patterns?

    Hold Trainer iPad app
  2. W

    Can I pay a commercial pilot to fly someone else in my plane?

    Guys, thanks very much for the help. My takeaway is: "it depends but is possible however it needs to be set up carefully and well-documented. Seek professional help." Funny how I've been hearing "Seek professional help." on a number of different issues recently:).
  3. W

    Can I pay a commercial pilot to fly someone else in my plane?

    I am one of several owners of a business that makes bike wheels. The scenario would be sending people from the company somewhere on bike-related business and paying a commercial pilot to fly them. Is that OK and can I be reimbursed for expenses?
  4. W

    Can I pay a commercial pilot to fly someone else in my plane?

    I own my plane. I use it mostly for business. Can I pay a commercial pilot to fly some passengers, which may or may not be business related, in my plane if I'm not in it? The plan is flown under Part 91 with no 100 hour inspections. Does the answer change if the passengers pay for the pilot...
  5. W

    Mnemonic for skipping course reversal

    The one I use for this, as well as many other similar situations, is WIDAC. When In Doubt Ask Controller. Not only works really well but seems to be appreciated on both sides. Rarely needed in busy airspace when you don't want to contribute to frequency congestion.
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    Cirrus Parachute

    The cost/benefit is also plane specific. In a Cirrus, which stalls at 65mph ish, has really skinny tires not ideally suited for off roading and a frangible wing that bursts into flames easier than a Ford Pinto, it's a more compelling proposition. Given the demonstrated survivability of chute...
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    Crash in Bolingbrook

    The DA40 is a safer more fun to fly plane with about the same capability as an SR20. Maybe the more fun part is subjective but the rest is fact. The SR22 is in a different league as far as capability goes and you can't really compare them to either the SR20 or DA40. As pointed out, what...
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    DA-40 XLS power settings

    With Powerflow? I fly mine somewhere between 9,000 and 15,000 feet here in the rockies and with a headwind, when I want to go fast, I'm at 2450 RPM (supposedly the RPM that maximizes the Powerflow) and leaned to where I have two cylinders >1,400 and 2 < 1,400 and CHTs < 365. With a tailwind...
  9. W

    is there a purpose to wearing a flight suit in GA?

    The only reason it's not comfortable is because along with my flight suit, I insist on wearing my authentic replica WWII bomber jacket and I find the fake fleece collar to be very itchy. Thanks for the Columbia recommendation, that seems like a winner.
  10. W

    is there a purpose to wearing a flight suit in GA?

    1) They can be really comfortable if the cockpit isn't too hot. 2) Before the iPad, the leg pockets for charts were awesome. 3) Why not have extra fire protection even if it's a low probability? 4) On long XCs, the fact that the zippers start low and are split makes for very easy access to...
  11. W

    Glass cockpit vs steam gauges

    I believe flying in IMC and flying approaches in IMC is safer with SVT than without, particularly single pilot, as long as you are proficient in its use. I have no evidence to support this however I also have no evidence against it either. Seldom correct, never in doubt is the motto I live by...
  12. W

    New single, vs older twin.

    I'll give you the counter point. I'm not saying I agree with it, but it makes the decision to buy new a little more understandable. Say I use my plane for business. This probably applies to most people who can afford to and are interested in purchasing a new plane. If I buy new, I can...
  13. W

    Chinese Prang a Boeing 777

    160ft/min onto the runway, three bounces, two tail strikes and enough thrust to fly a pattern with damage and a way-too slow airspeed and then make a normal landing. That's an incredible airplane. I got to get me one of these things. Anything that tough would be a perfect match for my landing...
  14. W

    If airlines sold paint

    Airlines face two big problems. The first one is this pricing model which seeks to maximize revenue for every seat on every plane that you reference. Just about every other business doesn't try to sell one particular product for the highest possible price, but instead seeks to maximize the...
  15. W

    DA-40 experience and thoughts?

    Send him my way. Mine is for sale. Very sad to see her go. I have the 50 gal tanks and the nose ballast and have never had a problem with CG. It's a great plane and magnificently forgiving and fun to fly...
  16. W

    Why climb for ice?

    I'm not questioning this but how do you land a DC-9 at full thrust and not go off the end of the runway? I know very little about turbines but it seems to me they need a lot of runway under normal conditions.
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    Routing and Thunderstorms - Deviations

    What are flying? I'm based in Ogden, just north of SLC and fly to Vegas quite a bit. It's rare to see TS activity once you are south of Delta. There is a north-south mountain range and most of the time, the convective weather stays to the east of the range. I suspect if you fly in the...
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    Other hobbies?

    Played for a D99 college rugby team and loved every minute of it. I used to also teach SCUBA but going up seems to have displaced that hobby.
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    High power model rocket TFR

    This is part of the various speed events at the Bonneville Salt Flats. I think it's called Hellfire Week. More info here: I wast thinking of maybe taking the kids this weekend.
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    Korean TV gets even...

    So what they're saying is that this type of humor is appropriate, fair play, not racist and....well...funny. I'm good with that. Glad the issue is settled.