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  1. Tyjay30

    heading 078°, you?

    Nice choice, have one myself!
  2. Tyjay30

    Twin Comanche down in Mineral Wells

    I'm not sure it was total power loss, hazmat responded to clean up a fuel spill.
  3. Tyjay30

    Twin Comanche down in Mineral Wells

    One was released from the hospital yesterday, the other has undergone one surgery with another scheduled for the in morning, and a few more at future date. Seems they were coming in to KMWL and lost an engine, declared and on a mile final lost the other engine. Seems most of the damage came from...
  4. Tyjay30

    Twin Comanche down in Mineral Wells

    One friend has a broken ankle, separated ankle, broken leg, bruised elbow and possible broken chin and all the bumps and bruises you'd expect. The other has a broken leg and a couple bad gashes on his head from the report I was given. Both are expected to make a full recovery with time.
  5. Tyjay30

    Twin Comanche down in Mineral Wells

    I don't have any further details than what the news article produced, just had text messages when I woke up from some of the family members and one of the people on board letting me know they had went down.
  6. Tyjay30

    Twin Comanche down in Mineral Wells

    3 friends on board, glad to hear it was non fatal. Not the way to wake up for work.
  7. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Someone had to bring the ring!
  8. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Apparently the diamond wasn't shiny enough to hold their attention, so the girls had to get a picture with @Lowflynjack plane!
  9. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Yea the weather held off just long enough it seems, it was a great day! As for the marriage aspect, it seems to have worked out for my parents for the last 34 years, hopefully I learned enough from watching them to make it all work! Thanks!
  10. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Ironic that you say that because she is pregnant! :D
  11. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    She said Yes, everyone on 122.8 within radio range heard it! Thanks!
  12. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Thank you @LDJones, and congrats on your new(ish) flying career, an awesome accomplishment!
  13. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Thanks! I agree, I didn't have any doubts after a monkey was moved across our great country! (No cocaine or strippers were involved with PoA excursion)
  14. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Hahaha they didn't brief me on that! Think it was just a diversion to a nearby airport with a bar close by to drown my sorrows!
  15. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    Haha I'm sure she's just upset she had to give her favorite son away! :D
  16. Tyjay30

    Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos

    @Lowflynjack I can't thank you and Dayton enough! I must admit when I first sent Jack a private message (no dick pics!) I wasn't sure the response I would get. Turns out it was the best move I ever made, he went out of his way to help a complete stranger! They (Jack and Dayton) took all the...
  17. Tyjay30

    Van's Airforce Calendar

    Great work as always!
  18. Tyjay30

    DPE recommendations in Austin

    I took my ride in Burnet with Ken Wittekiend, he was very fair and informative.
  19. Tyjay30

    San Antonio vs Austin aviation community

    I fly out of Temple at Central Texas Flight Training, they have a Warrior, 172, 152, an Arrow and recently acquired a twin commanche.
  20. Tyjay30

    Not the way to start your 4th of July of weekend

    sorry if this has been posted, just ran across it. Looks like Lake Travis in Austin, Tx.