Aerial Marriage Proposal - Photos


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
A few days ago, a guy brought a banner to my hangar that said, "WILL YOU MARRY ME? Love Tyler. Now this was a good looking man, but I'm already married. What an effort though!

Okay, maybe the story is a POA member Tyler (Tyjay30) reached out to me telling me he and his girlfriend Ashley were going on discovery flights with my friend Dayton in his gyro. With a little planning, we came up with an idea of putting a banner up and letting her see it from the air.

Not everything went as planned as storms were closing in and the banner wouldn't stick to my hangar door, but we got it done and I don't think Tyler had any complaints! Just from the little time I spent with them, I can tell you they're going to be an awesome husband and wife team!

Congratulations Tyler and thanks for letting me be a part of it!








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Ok, I'm not proud of this photo, it's blurry. My photo pilot made a sudden turn and came inside of Dayton, not sure why. The plan was to stay on the right side and get a photo of the gyro and banner at the same time. Either way, I had to share this photo. It's when she first saw the banner!






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@Lowflynjack I can't thank you and Dayton enough! I must admit when I first sent Jack a private message (no dick pics!) I wasn't sure the response I would get. Turns out it was the best move I ever made, he went out of his way to help a complete stranger! They (Jack and Dayton) took all the stress out of the whole production, they left plenty of nerves for me to deal with on my own though. He even went as far to make a contingency plan if she said no! Haha thankfully she didn't, and it all worked out perfect, and I have some awesome pictures to remember the amazing day! The gyrocopter was an awesome experience as well and I definitely plan to go back and get a few more hours in the seat!
@Lowflynjack I can't thank you and Dayton enough! I must admit when I first sent Jack a private message (no dick pics!) I wasn't sure the response I would get. Turns out it was the best move I ever made, he went out of his way to help a complete stranger! They (Jack and Dayton) took all the stress out of the whole production, they left plenty of nerves for me to deal with on my own though. He even went as far to make a contingency plan if she said no! Haha thankfully she didn't, and it all worked out perfect, and I have some awesome pictures to remember the amazing day! The gyrocopter was an awesome experience as well and I definitely plan to go back and get a few more hours in the seat!
Contingency plan? You mean the trap door beneath the rear seat? That's standard equipment.
Contingency plan? You mean the trap door beneath the rear seat? That's standard equipment.
Hahaha they didn't brief me on that! Think it was just a diversion to a nearby airport with a bar close by to drown my sorrows!
@Lowflynjack I can't thank you and Dayton enough! I must admit when I first sent Jack a private message (no dick pics!) I wasn't sure the response I would get. Turns out it was the best move I ever made, he went out of his way to help a complete stranger! They (Jack and Dayton) took all the stress out of the whole production, they left plenty of nerves for me to deal with on my own though. He even went as far to make a contingency plan if she said no! Haha thankfully she didn't, and it all worked out perfect, and I have some awesome pictures to remember the amazing day! The gyrocopter was an awesome experience as well and I definitely plan to go back and get a few more hours in the seat!

Congratulations! Best wishes for a long and happy life together.

@Lowflynjack great photos!
congrats! pretty cool when a fellow PoAer can help out.
I don't recall seeing a confirmation, but judging from the smiles in the pictures I'll assume she said "yes". Congratulations.
congrats! pretty cool when a fellow PoAer can help out.
Thanks! I agree, I didn't have any doubts after a monkey was moved across our great country! (No cocaine or strippers were involved with PoA excursion)
Oooooo..... Mom does not look happy.....:cheerswine: :smilewinkgrin:
Trust me, his Mom was happy! I took quite a few photos of that group and someone was always making a face or not smiling. I tried to find the best one!

@Lowflynjack He went out of his way to help a complete stranger! They (Jack and Dayton) took all the stress out of the whole production, they left plenty of nerves for me to deal with on my own though.
I was laughing and telling someone you trusted complete strangers not to screw up your big day!! We had plenty of stress on our end. When I found out the banner wouldn't stick to the paint on the hangar door, I was in a panic! I had an hour to figure it out, but I was about to recruit a couple of people to just hold it up!

Great pictures and great occasion.

Thank you!

congrats! pretty cool when a fellow PoAer can help out.
It was nice to meet not only another POAer, but another pilot and be a part of this. Something I won't forget.
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A neat thread. Good job with the pictures.

The brunette in the green shirt looks like she's hiding a mini-Shrek underneath.
Cool, nice job, guys!
Weather sure has been crazy so it's good that you squeezed it in.
Hurdles or not, as long as she said "yes", it's all good! :)
Congrats, Tyler! You will be becoming a married man. Oh wait, are you sure you want to do this? Just ask the thousands of married guys here. :D
I like how the UPS guy is in the photo :D
Be sure not to leave the sign up afterwards, or it will result in accidental marriages.
A neat thread. Good job with the pictures.

The brunette in the green shirt looks like she's hiding a mini-Shrek underneath.

Ironic that you say that because she is pregnant! :D
Cool, nice job, guys!
Weather sure has been crazy so it's good that you squeezed it in.
Hurdles or not, as long as she said "yes", it's all good! :)
Congrats, Tyler! You will be becoming a married man. Oh wait, are you sure you want to do this? Just ask the thousands of married guys here. :D
Yea the weather held off just long enough it seems, it was a great day! As for the marriage aspect, it seems to have worked out for my parents for the last 34 years, hopefully I learned enough from watching them to make it all work! Thanks!
Whew, at first I see Jack's pics of two guys (he planted the thought in his first post there) and thought it was two dudes getting, uh, hitched up. Then the pics of the bride! Yay! Congrats, and hope yours is a long and happy life together.

Great pics Jack!
Apparently the diamond wasn't shiny enough to hold their attention, so the girls had to get a picture with @Lowflynjack plane! image.jpeg


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These women see the beauty. I've been going out in the evenings and polishing/cleaning, getting the plane ready for Blakesburg. My wife asks, "Isn't it going to get dirty flying it up there?" Damn logical people.