Search results

  1. RotaryWingBob

    Calling Class C 12 miles out

    I like to call as soon as I think there is a reasonable chance that they'll have me on radar. At the 700-1000 AGL I fly at, that generally is around 17 miles or so for Class C, more for Class B, depending on terrain. Occasionally terrain will screw things up. I wanted to transition...
  2. RotaryWingBob

    Only in Philly...

    I'd like to say that I actually know somebody in the Philly area who is upset by Joey's sign. But I can't say that because I've never talked to anybody here who thought that the sign was anything other than funny :D
  3. RotaryWingBob

    Wireless network collapse

    But, Ken, what you really need to hate is Bill Gates. An old friend of mine, who is a fellow software engineer and who I used to work with many years ago (and who must be a good guy, because he's ready for his Stage I check... in helicopters), refers to Bill Gates as the antichrist, for his...
  4. RotaryWingBob

    Only in Philly...

    Some people take the primary more seriously than others, I guess...
  5. RotaryWingBob

    Heli Expo 2008

    Love to, can't :(
  6. RotaryWingBob

    Happy Birthday Toby

    Close, Gary. That picture was one that Toby took from the R22 which we sold in December. The tower supervisor was great -- I called on my cell phone beforehand and told him what we wanted to do. It came off very, very well!
  7. RotaryWingBob

    Heli Expo 2008

    Nah. The dark side is where them funny aircraft with them fixed wangs is... B) Anything that doesn't require both hands and both feet doesn't need a real pilot, Ken :D
  8. RotaryWingBob

    Happy Birthday Toby

    Hey, welcome back, Toby, we missed ya!
  9. RotaryWingBob

    CNN Freaking out about a gear door on AA Mad Dog

    I had Fox on, and they didn't do too bad a job. They actually were able to find a pilot for another airline and a retired NTSB investigator. Both of those guys straightened out the Fox people when they started to talk stooopid. They even talked about CRM and emergency procedures... I also...
  10. RotaryWingBob

    CARF! Sats keep falling on my head.

    Satellite shootdown NOTAM? Fox is reporting that the FAA has issued a NOTAM over a large area of the Pacific tonight:,2933,331172,00.html I tried finding the NOTAM but couldn't -- then again, I'm not exactly sure of what I'm looking for. Or where to find...
  11. RotaryWingBob

    Cell Phone Help

    Same here. I've not had any trouble with my 650, although there are a couple of minor quirks courtesy of Verizon...
  12. RotaryWingBob

    Sometimes, things just don't work out...

    Good for you, Jesse, for stepping up to the plate!
  13. RotaryWingBob

    My Fling Wing Adventure

    Whoops. My question was directed at Scott M. Too many Scotts here :D
  14. RotaryWingBob

    My Fling Wing Adventure

    Scott, is the UH-60 as difficult to autorotate as I've heard? One pilot I know who has done a tour in Iraq with his NG unit, told me he had never successfully done an auto on the sim. I get the impression also that the composite rotor blades don't have a whole lot of inertia -- is my...
  15. RotaryWingBob

    This just screams out "high-class", doesn't it?

    Sure does. A dozen belly-bombers, candlelight and a fine wine. Life doesn't get any better!
  16. RotaryWingBob

    A tale of a photo shoot

    Sent to me by a non-aviator friend: A photographer for a national news magazine was assigned to get photos of a big forest fire. The smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane. It will be waiting for you at the...
  17. RotaryWingBob

    B407 vs C172

    That one I won't buy. The 407 like most light helicopters has excellent visibilty over a large (greater than 180 degree) arc. Besides, if he couldn't see, then he should have stopped before turning off the runway, done a 90 degree pedal turn to the left, looked both ways, and then continued...
  18. RotaryWingBob

    Tiny Personal Helicopter

    Ay carumba -- as Benjamin Franklin once said, no f'in way :hairraise: God gave us feet to work the pedals, a left hand to work the collective, and a right hand to work the cyclic. He did not intend that the feet cushion the landing, nor that the hands grip the tripo legs. :no: That...
  19. RotaryWingBob

    Water, water, where?

    That's why I never live places that have city water, sewer, or sidewalks. :D
  20. RotaryWingBob

    B407 vs C172

    You have the 100' part right, but the FAA Rotorcraft Flying Manual goes on to say: "below 100 feet AGL, and to avoid overflight of other aircraft, vehicles, and personnel." I can't speak for everyone, but I've never done an air taxi over maybe 15-20 AGL.