I bet our resident rotor head will get a kick out of this one: http://sparkingtech.com/tech/tiny-personal-helicopter-for-those-with-a-death-wish/
No underwriter with a lick of sense would carry those as a consumer item.If that ever made it to the market, how long until someone sues (or their estate sues) after they stand up without powering down and brain themselves on the rotors? Still pretty damn cool.
No underwriter with a lick of sense would carry those as a consumer item.
I'd be willing to bet there's no autorotation capability so you sure wouldn't want to fly any higher than you were willing to fall.
I'm curious whether or not there is the normal 90 degree phase shift between control inputs and the rotor's reaction? If true you'd have to shift your weight laterally to control pitch and longitudinally to control roll. Perhaps the counter-rotating rotors eliminates this?
It at least needs a cage around the propellers. But yeah, an engine failure would not be pretty.
I saw another one like this that was only slightly more substantial. You learned to fly it while tethered.
I'm curious whether or not there is the normal 90 degree phase shift between control inputs and the rotor's reaction? If true you'd have to shift your weight laterally to control pitch and longitudinally to control roll. Perhaps the counter-rotating rotors eliminates this?
Correct, the contra rotating should cancel the effect. If it could make translational flight and make a 50 mile range, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
Larry is a head case....a clever one, but- 30 miles to a fillup of Jet-A?This guy has built one and has "on-ship" videos of learning to fly his Mosquito Ultralight helicopter:
(His gas turbine ultralight videos are cool, too! He did fly it.)
I wonder why he didn't fly out of ground effect.
Larry is a head case....a clever one, but- 30 miles to a fillup of Jet-A?