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  1. darrell

    4 Basics

    There are obvious exceptions, which is why i call it, at a minimum, a gross oversimplification.
  2. darrell

    4 Basics

    I really dislike the "sum must be zero" idea, it's either wrong or a tremendous oversimplification.
  3. darrell

    Need a plan for the Ruskies shooting down a civil aircraft
  4. darrell

    Wings of Hope Raffle GNS430 equipped 172

    Well I'm on PoA....and I'm going to win it...soooo... 100%? :D
  5. darrell

    What was the first record you ever bought?

    I've only bought one vinyl record in my life. It was LL Cool J's Going Back to Cali.
  6. darrell

    20 years ago today

    I left Ft. Hood in August 1991 when our unit (part of 2AD) was deactivated and reflagged 2-101st at Campbell. Anyway I just bring up Tony because he was a friend of mine in 2-101st and oddly enough is a coworker of mine now. He mentions the OPC shootdown on occasion, I think a good friend of...
  7. darrell

    20 years ago today

    RV10flyer, did you know a guy named Tony Taylor? He was a 'Hawk crew chief in Turkey at the time of the shootdown. Actually I think he was in that unit.
  8. darrell

    Investing in stocks (broker managed?)

    I'm an Ameritrade customer, and about a year ago I invested quite a bit with Amerivest. They manage my portfolio for me, and they don't get commission based on trades, they get a percentage of what they earn for me. They made me a little over 20% in 2013, so I'm not complaining! The don't...
  9. darrell

    New Information On MH 370

    The caption reads "Boeing 777 will struggle to maintain altitude once the fuel tanks are empty." What they are referring to is the fact that the autopilot will attempt to maintain altitude all the way into a stall even though the engines can't maintain airspeed. Or are all of you just smugly...
  10. darrell

    New Information On MH 370
  11. darrell

    New Information On MH 370

    Some of our helicopters have an immersion switch for the ELT (actually, something like 4 immersion switches). That is, when the immersion switch fills with water, the ELT goes off. I take it fixed wing aircraft do not ever have this option, even for aircraft that routinely fly over long...
  12. darrell

    Air speed indicator

    We use a Barfield tester:
  13. darrell

    Do you have a simulator in your home?

    Oh goodness yes. I was actually in a "virtual squadron" with Richard Hawley, the developer behind Combat-Helo.
  14. darrell

    Do you have a simulator in your home?

    If memory serves their contract was to provide a desktop trainer to help ANG A-10A pilots transition to the A-10C, so I don't think it was the full-blown flight simulator, just a desktop avionics trainer. But still, there is definitely a government contract in there somewhere. ;) I was sad...
  15. darrell

    A-10 a political bargaining chip again

    The A-10 should be replaced by Super Tucanos. :D
  16. darrell

    Malaysian Airliner missing?

    It is absolutely not possible that this airplane is in Pakistan. I do not understand how anyone could believe that it could be.
  17. darrell

    [NA] Anyone Play Video Games? [NA]

    I'm not sure that's called "playing". If you enjoy Dwarf Fortress, you must really love QWOP! Anyway, I enjoy time sink games when I'm overseas, like Civ V, and I'm currently re-playing Baldur's Gate. Also, I'm on the beta tester's team for Eagle...
  18. darrell

    Helicopter rotor Catches Cable

    Tail booms com off fairly often during catastrophic sudden stoppages. It's due to the torque from the drive system.
  19. darrell

    Interesting Map

    You mean Austria? Texas is Australia.
  20. darrell

    ASEL with single door on left?

    Well, you can take out a few seats? Other than that, reading comprehension failure on my part (or wishful thinking?).