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  1. inav8r

    Should I go flying right now?

    You're more than welcome to try to fly into KAID!! 011845Z 25025G45KT 10SM OVC013 M02/M04 A2977 Today would be a good day to do some hover practice in a 152. ;)
  2. inav8r

    Frustrated w/ an FBO

    Yes, exactly, and why I was frustrated with the FBO!
  3. inav8r

    Frustrated w/ an FBO

    No, it cost me more than the $10 that it would have cost for the pre-heat had the lineman on duty known how to run the pre-heater.
  4. inav8r

    Frustrated w/ an FBO

    On Thanksgiving day I was in a position where I needed a pre-heat for my plane. The FBO where I was at normally charges $10 for this service. However the guy who was working didn't know how to operate the pre-heater so I was told that I was going to have to pay the $200 holiday emergency call...
  5. inav8r

    Dec 2nd - KMIE - Muncie Indiana Fly-In

    Hrmm, should I fly or drive? Since KMIE is only about 13nm from my home base. ;)
  6. inav8r

    More shots fired. Massive response outside

    When you said Haz-Mat my first thought was Meth-Lab, lol ;)
  7. inav8r

    Busted the Presidential TFR

    Yes, but I *always* ask specifically, "Are there any TFR's anywhere along my route?" I want that to be on the tape. :)
  8. inav8r

    Best aviation Movie I ever saw

    If you follow the links from that article and/or google "Netflix Throttling" you will find some interesting reading in regards to this conspiricy. Allegedly as of 02/06 their agreement even states (Source for the quote):
  9. inav8r

    Best aviation Movie I ever saw

    Throttling in the news: MSNBC Article on the subject from Feb 2006.
  10. inav8r

    Non IR Safety Pilot

    We did the approaces Saturday morning. It really opened my eyes up - and wide! On the first VOR approach, while he was flying the approach flawlessly (well, compared to the briefing and what I was expecting) we were blown off centerline by about 2 miles... I can't imagine flying a non-precision...
  11. inav8r

    Getting complacent with GPS Direct...

    This weekend I decided to make my annual treck in the plane back to WV to visit my family. I do this because I'm (slowly) trying to build up XC hours so I can (eventually) work on my IR. At any rate, I've done the trip a couple of times previous and I know it's a piece of cake - basically just...
  12. inav8r

    Many shots fired, I'm getting down.

    I'm almost willing to bed that your land lord will keep your security deposit - for breaking your lease...
  13. inav8r

    I think I used up one of my lives today.....

    I'm turning in my bag of troll food... :redface:
  14. inav8r

    I think I used up one of my lives today.....

    Also Mr. Unregistered: let us consult the AIM, section 4-3-1c - Traffic Pattern Terminology. Calling upwind after depature would have been INCORRECT anyways. If you (or anyone) were going to make the call you so insist on the correct position report would have been ... yes, you guessed it...
  15. inav8r

    I think I used up one of my lives today.....

    Fine, prove your point, post under your user name.
  16. inav8r

    Fastest groundspeeds

    Looking at those I feel good about my 151 kt GS in our 172. I was at level at 7500 w/ a good tailwind crossing Ohio late afternoon last November (2005). Of course the next day coming back at 4500 my best GS was 91 kts and the return trip took almost an hour longer...
  17. inav8r

    Non IR Safety Pilot

    I agree with this 100%, Ron. In fact, I intend to live this advice. :) Eye's outside and enjoy the view!
  18. inav8r

    Non IR Safety Pilot

    To be honest I feel completely safe with the see and avoid responsibilities, I was just wondering what others opinions were on the subject. I see this as a great vehicle to expose me to the concepts and components of IFR flying - as I hope to someday start on my IR. The only thing I wouldn't...
  19. inav8r

    Non IR Safety Pilot

    A IR-rated friend of mine has asked me to be a safety pilot for him while he brushes up on his skills and does some practice approaches. While I'm current and rated to fly his plane - I've not yet done any IR training. Is it a bad idea (in general) to have a non IR safety pilot?
  20. inav8r

    So What's the Scam on these Ebay Listings?

    Just to a goodle search for "scam the scammer". You'll see all kinds of interesting stories and examples. My personal favorite is The Scam Baiter WARNING: Not for the feint of heart and sometimes not so work safe. Usually they try to get the scammers to send embarrasing pictures of themselves...