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  1. Ed Guthrie

    Flying yourself on business

    Ah, yes, my favorite corporate story. The small company that employed me was purchased by Coroprate America, a wholy owned subsidiary of a British company. Corporate America had an evil corporate attorney who dispised me and went out of her way to squash the company flying I had done since day...
  2. Ed Guthrie

    Would you pay more for better instruction?

    I don't see the problem. I have flown across the entire US twice, ~20 hours each time, both as legal PIC, and I was unable to log a single minute--that fact didn't bother me a bit either time. The problem is that too many CFIs are gathering logbook time rather than teaching. I have no...
  3. Ed Guthrie

    Would you pay more for better instruction?

    And there, sports fans, is the problem with the system. The consumer (student) is not able to actually assign true value to the product (the instruction received) until many, many hours (and in most case many years) later. Until that point the consumer views one product as identical (or nearly...
  4. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    Contrary to what was stated a few posts back, the Mooney spar isn't built up to be one piece wing tip to wing tip, rather the Mooney spar is one continuous milled piece of aluminum wing tip to wing tip. In line with what Henning wrote, when my Mooney had a gear collapse the insurance adjuster's...
  5. Ed Guthrie

    The state of training

    Michael, reading the above you seem to believe that a low wing aircraft has no wing spar? Is that what you actually meant?
  6. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    The Mooney M20J POH is usually dead on the money within maybe 1-2 kts for a well rigged aircfraft. IME, the block to block fuel burn will be ~10 gph if you fly 8-10k', best economy lean per the POH, and the aircraft will true 155 kts assuming it is in rig--a bad assumption on most ~16 year old...
  7. Ed Guthrie

    Maintenance: Smoketown or New Garden?

    When I first moved to PA I had the Mooney based at N57 and had all maintenance work done at N57. ~13 months later I moved it to S37 and gave Dennis Glick a set of keys (Dutchland Aviation). I live ~12 minutes from N57 and ~45 minutes from S37. Do I need to connect the dots or is that clear...
  8. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    Great reputation, bring $$$$.
  9. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    Yes, religiously.
  10. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    Don't go there. Ever. IIRC, simply search the NTSB site for crashes using "maintenance" as a search term and Mt. Joy/Marietta airport as the location. If "maintenance" doesn't do the trick, just search for fatals near that airport. PM if you want a Mooney maintenance experience that purely...
  11. Ed Guthrie

    Default Printer

    Thread hijack; employement interview humor. While interviewing folks for technical jobs over the years I noticed three phrases that would commonly appear on resumes: 1. ...experience... 2. ...hands-on experience... 3. ...intimate experience... All would relate to a particular piece of...
  12. Ed Guthrie

    Mooney M20J

    Some serious illogic in the above statement. The fuel sealant is very near (if not past) the useful life. If the sealant is showing physical signs of this fact, reject it. Corollary: If the sealant isn't showing signs of this physical fact, buy it. The only salient point is that the sealant is...
  13. Ed Guthrie

    Night flying and weather

    Well, Ron, if as a good CFI you'd asked for clarification of the FAQ file information prior to publishing it as being current AFS-800 policy you'd have the positive proof of "current guidance" (if such indeed exists) now wouldn't you? But no, you didn't ask for verification. No, not at all...
  14. Ed Guthrie

    Should I switch Examiners?

    You stated in your previous post that weather reporting must be available, which is quite incorrect. Even as stated above it isn't clear that you truly understand the requirements for a visual approach. "some sort of weather information on the destination airport" can be the pilot requesting the...
  15. Ed Guthrie

    Night flying and weather

    FWIW, no such "guidance" currently exists.