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  1. Captain

    School "Checkout" for certain airports

    Lol, I did my long cross country to L35. But then, I'm BPITW.
  2. Captain

    Would you have a bird if...

    Why the heck shouldn't flying be a right?
  3. Captain

    Story About a Defiant Student

  4. Captain

    Story About a Defiant Student

    People start out knowing they know nothing. As time goes on they start to know something. To some people they think they know more than they do. I'd say you have a narcissist on your hands. I'd terminate training.
  5. Captain

    Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible?

    Re: Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible Obviously every cloud doesn't produce ice. Best we pilots have is our knowledge of where ice can form. So we identify those conditions. +5C to -40 with visible moisture equals icing conditions Go with...
  6. Captain

    Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible?

    Re: Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible But people need to make a go/no go decision. Your approach does nothing to address that. Mine is simple, factual and precise. The -40 doesn't even really apply to most here anyway so it can be further reduced...
  7. Captain

    Financial Assistance

    Yeah. "First Officer" and "Captain" get tons of hits! Woot!
  8. Captain

    Making a Murderer - Netflix

    No kidding. When did we come off the rails? This is so blatant any 7th grader in social studies could find a dozen glaring problems.
  9. Captain

    Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible?

    Re: Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible Not really? You just proposed replacing mine with: "icing is visible moisture in winter". Think I'll stick with mine.
  10. Captain

    Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible?

    Re: Visible moisture, below freezing temperatures, but no icing. How is this possible Egg heads are great. They really are and the world needs them. But all pilots need to know is: +5C TAT to -40 SAT with visible moisture equals icing conditions.
  11. Captain

    Please delete..apparently I can't read.

    Ding!! Learned something today already and haven't even gotten out of bed. Thx
  12. Captain

    Memory aid for altitude

    Um, really?
  13. Captain

    Please delete..apparently I can't read.

    How'd you change the thread title?? I didn't think you could do that.
  14. Captain

    Sign-In Sheet

    Is it not feasible to just generate a ticket for each plane and have the CSR fill it out? Fuel order, services needed? If the pilot is going off site a check box for brakes off and if overnight get a contact number. I'd always give the company number. If there's a problem they're the ones to...
  15. Captain

    Memory aid for altitude

    Pen, paper, fixed
  16. Captain

    Save the Passengers... and the flight crew is on their own..

    It'd be easier to just patent a un-exploder and install that.
  17. Captain

    Financial Assistance

    I've seen that scam. Some Nigerian prince needs my $5k so they can send me millions. Right! If it sounds too good to be true it is, Rich! ;)
  18. Captain

    Making a Murderer - Netflix

    I've not watched a single minute of The Situation and I'm gonna go on a limb and say I bet he's a total tool.
  19. Captain

    Is Marine One FIKI?

    I miss the SZ. Corralled the ding dongs. This was a simple question and the OP even asked to keep the stupid out...and yet.
  20. Captain

    Sign-In Sheet

    Ah, finely.... I flew corporate for over a decade. 6 months a year going to 3 or 4 airports a day. I'd often see a sign in sheet but I'd never fill it out voluntarily. Only the super small mom and pops ever asked me to fill it out and I would...begrudgingly. Look, as a corporate pilot I've...