Save the Passengers... and the flight crew is on their own..

As I said, I only found possibly two in the past five years where it might have helped (not in the US) and even then it was predicated on the the pilot or possibly some automated system identifying that the aircraft was in sufficient peril to push the big red button. The two older crashes that Steve mentioned had definite longer time to figure out that there was a problem. Things like missiles, CFIT, approach and takeoff crashes, and arguably things like AF 447 where the pilots just went braindead aren't likely to be helped.
I was wondering if the flight crew would be able to be saved in the detachable cabin. The cabin would be able to be detached but not the cockpit.

The flight crew could be equipped with ejection seats.
The flight crew could be equipped with ejection seats.

The fun part would definitely make the rest of the aircraft flyable after the pod leaves. Of course, it's possible that the crew compartment could be made part of the POD or they could escape into the POD before pushing the red button.
It'd be easier to just patent a un-exploder and install that.