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  1. DGlaeser

    CFII Debate - GPS in lieu of DME

    GPS is a valid replacement for DME fixes.
  2. DGlaeser

    Why do they make us practice slow flight?

    Lindbergh had that same question about a fly buzzing around the cabin on the way to Paris (at least in the movie :-)
  3. DGlaeser

    Logging Instrument Time

    Actual instrument conditions DO require a pilot who IS instrument rated to act as PIC. So the IR PIC can log the time, and the NON-IR sole manipulator can log the time (while in IMC). (just saw that this was also stated in a previous message - sorry for the duplication)
  4. DGlaeser

    Logging Instrument Time

    Every flight needs a PIC. Every flight needs someone who is 'sole manipulator' of the controls. Typically the same person does both. If the non-instrument rated pilot is manipulating the controls he can LOG PIC time, whether in IMC or under the hood. If not in IMC, the other pilot can either...
  5. DGlaeser

    Garmin 300XL GPS/com

    Ditto what Llewtrah said. Mine is connected to a GRT Sport in my RV7A. The second nav is required for IFR since it is not WAAS.
  6. DGlaeser

    Sport Pilot to Private Checkride

    The ACS does not have a Sport to Private pilot section in the Additional Ratings table section, so basically the DPE will probably be required to treat it as a new Private rating. But the 'depth of probing' on the oral, and flight tasks will be up to the DPE. Have a conversation with him/her.
  7. DGlaeser

    Spin Recovery Training... and my first (not-so) aerobatic lesson

    Do a couple of rolls - easy stuff, and I'll bet you keep going. Loops will generate more Gs than spins or rolls. Inverted flight is definitely different, be sure you have the seat belts TIGHT. It is not the same kind of feeling you get in egress training - for one thing, you are in control...
  8. DGlaeser

    Prop control knob

    Are these on certified planes? There may be paperwork involved in making the change (blue is typically a prop control).
  9. DGlaeser

    Ground External Power with G1000

    We've had problems with the ground power relay not closing properly. When that happens no ground power is getting to the system. When you turn on the ground power (big red plug in place), you should hear a contactor 'click'. When in doubt, remove the top cowl and connect directly to the...
  10. DGlaeser

    recovering from inverted flight

    But remember, after that moment, your engine will probably quit, and you may have a bunch of oil coming out of your crankcase vent :-)
  11. DGlaeser

    Viking Aircraft Engines, thoughts? (Honda piston AE?)

    Mine has been flying regularly for over 9 years (6 cylinder Subaru). I'm not the only one at my airport flying a car engine regularly. All it takes is proper engineering...
  12. DGlaeser

    Skydiving, anyone done it?

    I did some skydiving when I was in college (many years ago). My favorite description is that is 'the most exciting thing you can do with your clothes on' :cool: Of course you can now find videos of some who do it without clothes ...
  13. DGlaeser

    Static port blocked. BREAK THE VSI?

    The input to the alternate static is inside the plane, so if that is blocked, you have really big issues :cool:
  14. DGlaeser

    Faro headset vs Halo headset

    I've been using my Halo almost every day (I'm and instructor), in and out of various airplanes continuously for over 4 years with the same headset - zero issues with getting 'out of adjustment'. The band is pretty stiff, and while bendable, it is not all that easy. Once you have it in you hand...
  15. DGlaeser

    Using 2 terminals / devices to sign a Student / Applicant off.

    It is one IACRA session, with steps that require both the student and instructor to log in at different times. The way to do it remote is to have the two individuals connected remotely via Webex (or any other equivalent), and allowing the remote person to control the screen for the login steps.
  16. DGlaeser

    Student Question: Steam Gauge vs G1000

    Sounds like both you and your instructor are spending way too much time watching the screen! Force yourself to look out the window!! I have a cardboard mask that I use liberally when I have students who spend too much time watching the screen :-) It is sometimes amazing how well maneuvers and...
  17. DGlaeser

    Lockheed Martin ICAO Flight Plan

    Yeah the first time I used the ICAO form I ran into the same issue. Only airports in the ICAO list can be used for departure/destination. All the others need the ZZZZ - DEP/ - DEST/ 'trick'. Supposedly the FAA is going to fix that one of these days, but apparently that day isn't here yet.
  18. DGlaeser

    Icing yesterday over WV - Can cloud tops be colder than surrounding clear air?

    Due to the energy involved in changes of state, clouds can definitely be colder than the surrounding air. The tops of clouds are a well known place to pick up ice. Been there, done that a number of times. Sounds like your warm(er) fuel prevented icing in that area of the wing. Nice, but tough...
  19. DGlaeser

    Fixed pitch prop annual?

    I've been told by a number of A&P/AI's that some folks keep separate logs just in case they ever sell the prop (independent of the plane). Definitely not required, but no harm (except more trees killed for the extra logbooks/stickers :-)
  20. DGlaeser

    Bead breakers

    Been there, tried that. Typically works for one side, but not the other (just went through this last month). Not the safest activity either :eek: A bead breaker is a way better solution.