Search results

  1. Eric Stoltz

    Airgizmos GPS Dock

    Too further the question, I have a 496 installed and never use it. I'd rather use the real estate to mount a thingy for my iTabulator. Is it completely legal for me to remove it and give the kit away to someone who wants one? I'm no A or P.
  2. Eric Stoltz

    Historic Northrup N9M Flying Wing Crashes into NorCal Prison Yard

    Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong
  3. Eric Stoltz

    "Stuck mic on 122.80" PSA

    This reminds me of a bunch of us airline types heading from the west coast to Hawaii on oceanic "fingers" freq one night. "Who's bored?" "Me, I am, we are, not us happy to be here yah" "How long's yer overnight?" "too short, too long, 23:46, 48 hours, 6 days yah" "Who's up?" "Delta of course...
  4. Eric Stoltz

    Losing interest - thinking of selling

    I was thinking the same thing. Anyone can PM me for more info and I'll share my experience. Life changing, for sure.
  5. Eric Stoltz

    Time lapse photography?

    Yer welcome! He's kinda my go to guy with the gopros. And he's a class act I hope to meet in Maui someday.
  6. Eric Stoltz

    Non Aviation Old Ad

    Not to one up ya but I can't resist. Don't worry. I already reported this post.
  7. Eric Stoltz

    Got high 4/20

    Haha! "We'd"
  8. Eric Stoltz

    November Chem Trail formula

    Better you than me. I'm still in a bit of trouble for that outbreak a few months ago. Sorry about all the extra hair growth everyone. Gillette is a fine customer, but I kinda put them in a bind.
  9. Eric Stoltz

    Air-to-Air Piper PA 46-350P Mirage

    She must be related to mine! Oh how lucky can we be. Great pics Jack
  10. Eric Stoltz

    Husky for Private Pilot Training

    GO FOR IT!! A great airplane to teach you how to fly. Even when you get 10k hours, it'll still teach ya somethin.
  11. Eric Stoltz

    Claims of Shoddy Production at Boeing plant in N. Charleston SC

    They didn't say that, the quoted part. I even GTS'd it. Looks like the Flight Ready Techs got a vote for representation, by their own accord. But like many employers, they dislike the assumed and perceived disruption a micro union may cause. One may conclude that Boeing would take a similar...
  12. Eric Stoltz

    Time lapse photography?

    I tend to search Mic Bergsma on the YouTubes for stuff like this He explains stuff so well, you don't even need the sound on!
  13. Eric Stoltz

    Super Cub Raffle

    The will sell out. I checked the website and the other prizes are worth the chance if you ask me. I have a buddy that, iirc, he bought one ticket while at the gathering while on an overnight. Then he flew his Cub home a month later to his ranch in Idaho. YMMV, especially since I'll win the Cub.
  14. Eric Stoltz

    Flying Half Fast with Half Fast

    @6pc, did you just make up a verb? "To Cirrus?" That ranks up there with "antiquing" and "restauranting." Plus, you made me use 6 quotation marks in one sentence. Imma goin Sierraingingin next week.
  15. Eric Stoltz

    Tie Down Fees

    About a gooder or same deal at Auburn WA, KSEA area. But, I could fit a Duke in my hangar and still have room for all my rocks and crap for the RV that I used to park in there with the plane. In regards to the op topic. I would be worried that without some income trending to the positive...
  16. Eric Stoltz

    Ethiopian Airlines Crash; Another 737 Max

    I know for a fact that humans can pray AND fly at the same time. I've done it myself. I've asked the Great One to damn this action and that action as I've bounded down the runway. Exclaimed to the Creator how I'd never do that again now that It's actions saved me. Asked the Mighty Cloud...
  17. Eric Stoltz

    Market vs. sentimental value

    I'm finding in AK, there is a premium price to be paid for airplanes with the Alaska patina. And, I have heard from a guy that said he wanted to sell his plane, "yeah, but, she's been in AK all this time, where else will you get that experience?" Anthropomorphising an inanimate object is kinda...
  18. Eric Stoltz

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!
