Super Cub Raffle

Juliet Hotel

Jul 21, 2018
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Juliet Hotel
Super Cub Raffle

This showed up in my FB feed and I thought some here might be interested. Not much info about the plane but it does say tundra tires and floats.
Interesting way to sell a plane..... $130k plane raffled for $678k assuming an average ticket price of $55.
Interesting way to sell a plane..... $130k plane raffled for $678k assuming an average ticket price of $55.
Is that not the way its supposed to work? Aren't raffles supposed to be profitable for the host organization?
Alaskan Airmens association has this raffle every year. It is in conjunction with their trade show in ANC (next week I believe)
hit the link, scroll down to terms and conditions see the rules
Is that not the way its supposed to work? Aren't raffles supposed to be profitable for the host organization?

Sure. It s a bit of a stretch though to sell 12.5 tickets I think. Given the various other raffles out there, your odds are much better elsewhere.
Sure. It s a bit of a stretch though to sell 12.5 tickets I think. Given the various other raffles out there, your odds are much better elsewhere.
Understood. Best to forget I posted it then. Mods please delete the thread. Didn't mean to ruin anyone's day.
The will sell out. I checked the website and the other prizes are worth the chance if you ask me.

I have a buddy that, iirc, he bought one ticket while at the gathering while on an overnight. Then he flew his Cub home a month later to his ranch in Idaho.

YMMV, especially since I'll win the Cub.
Not sure where I will keep two Cubs when I win AOPA’s as well. :)