Have you ever done it? Gone up as high as it can go? (NON turbine aircraft). I haven't taken the Arrow up to its max! I capped out just under 12.5 for O2 reasons and because the climb at that altitude
Reason I'm asking is I see some pretty ridiculous numbers cited for turbo'd aircraft on their specs, where I can't imagine anyone
actually taking it up that high. For instance, a Turbo Stationair that Cessna advertises as having a
service ceiling of FL260. I see a 210 Turbo with a ceiling listed at FL270. I see a couple Mooneys with similar FL250-ish levels. I'm not doubting that they
can get there, but is it even remotely practical to climb that high?
From just poking around on ForeFlight and watching traffic (a favorite pastime of mine) I don't think I see planes like this usually get above low/mid teens. That's not exactly a scientific study but it makes me wonder if anyone actually
does take it up that high?