Reaching the service ceiling (non turbine)


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Jul 17, 2019
Chicago suburbs
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The Little Arrow That Could
Have you ever done it? Gone up as high as it can go? (NON turbine aircraft). I haven't taken the Arrow up to its max! I capped out just under 12.5 for O2 reasons and because the climb at that altitude SUUUUCCCKKSSS.

Reason I'm asking is I see some pretty ridiculous numbers cited for turbo'd aircraft on their specs, where I can't imagine anyone actually taking it up that high. For instance, a Turbo Stationair that Cessna advertises as having a service ceiling of FL260. I see a 210 Turbo with a ceiling listed at FL270. I see a couple Mooneys with similar FL250-ish levels. I'm not doubting that they can get there, but is it even remotely practical to climb that high?

From just poking around on ForeFlight and watching traffic (a favorite pastime of mine) I don't think I see planes like this usually get above low/mid teens. That's not exactly a scientific study but it makes me wonder if anyone actually does take it up that high?
Took a grossed out Tomahawk to 9700' on a hot day in July or August. We were beyond the service ceiling on that day (probably due to density altitude). The airplane was at its absolute ceiling (wouldn't climb another foot).
As long as you jam MP into the mill with the turbo it should make power until the turbo can’t keep up any more.
150 hp Warrior up to 17,500 one day over Colorado. Took a while, but not as long as you'd think due to orographic lift.

Understand, of course, that the service ceiling is where the plane can sustain 100 fpm climb, in standard conditions, but most importantly at max gross weight. Since you'll never be at max gross once you get there (in normal operations in the types of planes being discussed), you can very likely exceed this number if you are patient.
I know a guy who claims he takes his rans s21 up to fl230. I do not believe him.
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I've taken the Turbo Arrow up to 17,500 feet once. I generally didn't like flying it above 15K though because of mag arcing. Also, it really didn't like LOP operations above 13K so the sweet spot was between 11.5 and 12.5 for economy and speed.

Never pushed the Arrow II to its service ceiling.
Have you ever done it? Gone up as high as it can go? (NON turbine aircraft). I haven't taken the Arrow up to its max! I capped out just under 12.5 for O2 reasons and because the climb at that altitude SUUUUCCCKKSSS.

Reason I'm asking is I see some pretty ridiculous numbers cited for turbo'd aircraft on their specs, where I can't imagine anyone actually taking it up that high. For instance, a Turbo Stationair that Cessna advertises as having a service ceiling of FL260. I see a 210 Turbo with a ceiling listed at FL270. I see a couple Mooneys with similar FL250-ish levels. I'm not doubting that they can get there, but is it even remotely practical to climb that high?

From just poking around on ForeFlight and watching traffic (a favorite pastime of mine) I don't think I see planes like this usually get above low/mid teens. That's not exactly a scientific study but it makes me wonder if anyone actually does take it up that high?
I took the o2 and took the lance up to 14...7 maybe... above cmi one day in preparation for our first mountain trip. I was curious how much difference airspeed made on time to climb, and how high the plane would actually go. There's a thread about it around here somewhere. I think the book number is 16 without looking. Above 14 it's <100fpm. If you get very far off vy you'll stop climbing completely.

Had her over 14 a couple times out west. Climbing out of Cody WY (in July, mind), we were starting to get a trace of ice at 13ish, but the clouds were thinning; we were within a couple hundred feet of the tops. It was an agonizing few minutes. Popped out the top, ice sublimated off, all good. Fwiw it was above freezing below 12.5, bases were about 10, and Cody is...6000? It was in the 70s down there, so going back down would've been the out, but it would've meant being stuck for a couple days.
Why sure, the field is at 670 feet, and I've been up to 2000 - 2500 a few times. :cool:
Took a normally aspirated Comanche 260B up to FL210 just to see if it could be done.

It can be, but was really slow and wasn’t going any higher.
13.5 in a Tiger, C172SP, DA40 and C182. I need to get me an oxygen system.
I've taken the Turbo Arrow up to 17,500 feet once. I generally didn't like flying it above 15K though because of mag arcing. Also, it really didn't like LOP operations above 13K so the sweet spot was between 11.5 and 12.5 for economy and speed.

Never pushed the Arrow II to its service ceiling.
Mag arcing?
Took a grossed out Tomahawk to 9700' on a hot day in July or August. We were beyond the service ceiling on that day (probably due to density altitude). The airplane was at its absolute ceiling (wouldn't climb another foot).
I think that's the lowest ceiling I've heard of!
Have you ever done it? Gone up as high as it can go? (NON turbine aircraft).
Not quite, but close a few times.

I had the DA40 up to 14,000 (certified ceiling is 16,300) to cross Lake Michigan. I had room to get there due to where I was departing from and so I just set the autopilot to 500 fpm. I reached the book sea level Vy just as I was getting to 14,000, but I was solo so climb performance was much better than if I'd been at gross.

I had the C182 up to 17,500 once (18,000 service ceiling IIRC), because I was on a long leg and there were tailwinds and I had portable O2 on board and I was flying across Nebraska so why not. Again, I was solo so performance was OK.

I've had the Mooney up to FL190. I'll hit 500 fpm around 15,000 feet. I figure it takes 10 minutes to climb to 10,000 feet, another 10 minutes to climb to 15,000 feet, and another 20 minutes to climb to FL200 most likely. The Mooney did better that close to its ceiling than the 182.
Reason I'm asking is I see some pretty ridiculous numbers cited for turbo'd aircraft on their specs, where I can't imagine anyone actually taking it up that high. For instance, a Turbo Stationair that Cessna advertises as having a service ceiling of FL260. I see a 210 Turbo with a ceiling listed at FL270. I see a couple Mooneys with similar FL250-ish levels. I'm not doubting that they can get there, but is it even remotely practical to climb that high?
Depends on the length of your leg.

I've done the math for turbo vs N/A in the Mooney, and because the climb and descent down in the more normal altitudes is about 8 miles per 1000 feet (2 up, 6 down) and the fuel burn looks best when at least half the flight is in cruise, that means I need to be going 160nm minimum to make climbing to 10,000 feet worthwhile.

If I had a turbo with a critical altitude at or above 20,000, that means I'd need to be going 320nm minimum on that leg to make the climb to 20 worthwhile, or 400nm+ for the climb to 25,000.

Even when going those distances, there's plenty of reasons NOT to go to those altitudes:
* I'm not gonna make the whole family suck on O2, so I'd probably only go that high solo if I had a blower.
* Cannulas are generally not advisable above 18,000 and full masks introduce their own issues - They usually have craptastic microphones, for example.
* Headwinds may make a lower altitude more favorable.
* Even tailwinds are often lower at higher altitudes after a point. The highest winds are often in the teens.
From just poking around on ForeFlight and watching traffic (a favorite pastime of mine) I don't think I see planes like this usually get above low/mid teens. That's not exactly a scientific study but it makes me wonder if anyone actually does take it up that high?

If you have ForeFlight Performance (and you're a nerd like me), you can set up an aircraft profile for a turbocharged aircraft that interests you, and then put together some different flights you might want to take in such an aircraft, and use the Altitude Advisor to see the time and fuel burn of all the various cruising altitude choices.
Mooneys can go up to FL 350 doing 600 knots while making 5 gallons an hour. :)
If you slow 'em down a little, they'll actually start putting fuel back in the tank. :D
Mag arcing?
Yup. Here's a good article about it that explains it better than I can:

Oh, and one more thing: The ceiling listed for a plane may or may not actually be its service ceiling. Based on what I'm seeing in the Mooney Bravo POH, I suspect it could actually go a fair bit higher than FL250.

However, there are more and more regulatory requirements the higher and higher you certify a plane for, so sometimes there will be a maximum ceiling that is artificially limited to avoid those requirements. For example, the Turbo Twin Comanche has a ceiling of 30,000 feet, but if they certified it today I would expect they'd limit it to 28 just because of RVSM above that.
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Service ceiling on my 172 is 13,100, and I’ve had it as high as 11,500 coming over Lake Michigan. That climb didn’t seem too bad. Then, flying to Quebec, I had to get up to 9,000 or obstacle clearance, and the climb from 7 to 9…I didn’t know if we’d ever get there! Both were mid-summer trips, so I’m not saying DA DIDN’T play a factor, but not like winter/summer. I usually pick 5-8 based on winds, length of trip, and loading/pax. In NA aircraft, the trade off between lower fuel burn at altitude vs engine & prop efficiency usually peaks out somewhere between 50-75% of service ceiling.
I had my normally aspirated A36 up to 17,500. Just me and light on gas. Handled great. Service ceiling is 18,500.
Mag arcing?
As the air pressure drops, so does it's resistance. The reason a vacuum tube is a vacuum is so electricity can move easily between plates... air is a great insulator. On a turbocharged engine, at a certain point the spark will start jumping between posts inside the mag.

Some turbocharged engines have pressurized magnetos to prevent this.
As I understand, they are troublesome. Being fed hot, maybe slightly oily air pulled from downstream of the turbo Isn't great, along with the leakiness issues of any pressurized system.
As the air pressure drops, so does it's resistance. The reason a vacuum tube is a vacuum is so electricity can move easily between plates... air is a great insulator. On a turbocharged engine, at a certain point the spark will start jumping between posts inside the mag.

Some turbocharged engines have pressurized magnetos to prevent this.
As I understand, they are troublesome. Being fed hot, maybe slightly oily air pulled from downstream of the turbo Isn't great, along with the leakiness issues of any pressurized system.
That's interesting. I wouldn't have thought anything like that would have been a factor until you were halfway to space :)

I've done the math for turbo vs N/A in the Mooney, and because the climb and descent down in the more normal altitudes is about 8 miles per 1000 feet (2 up, 6 down) and the fuel burn looks best when at least half the flight is in cruise, that means I need to be going 160nm minimum to make climbing to 10,000 feet worthwhile.
But it's not so much about making the math optimal as it is for the wow factor when people hear you read off your clearance in your Mooney Bravo: "...maintain 3000 and expect FL250 after one-zero, 10 minutes" :cool:

Frankly I'm surprised the highest altitude cited here was achieved in a normally aspirated Comanche! And an NA warrior at 17.5... Did not expect that!
That's interesting. I wouldn't have thought anything like that would have been a factor until you were halfway to space :)

But it's not so much about making the math optimal as it is for the wow factor when people hear you read off your clearance in your Mooney Bravo: "...maintain 3000 and expect FL250 after one-zero, 10 minutes" :cool:

Frankly I'm surprised the highest altitude cited here was achieved in a normally aspirated Comanche! And an NA warrior at 17.5... Did not expect that!
Makes me wonder how much the airfoil has to do with it. I always assumed it was a horsepower loading thing, but the lance has a lot of power and even light it can't go that high. It also has fat stubby wings, especially compared to a warrior's tapered wings or the Comanche p-51 wing :biggrin: in all seriousness, the Comanche has those long slender sexy laminar flew wings.

You've got the Hershey bar arrow, right?
Makes me wonder how much the airfoil has to do with it. I always assumed it was a horsepower loading thing, but the lance has a lot of power and even light it can't go that high. It also has fat stubby wings, especially compared to a warrior's tapered wings or the Comanche p-51 wing :biggrin: in all seriousness, the Comanche has those long slender sexy laminar flew wings.

You've got the Hershey bar arrow, right?
Yeah, I've got the hershey bar arrow. Though I've flown 4 arrows. Two hershey bar, two tapered. And 2 fixed gear cherokees. I honestly can't tell a difference between them in terms of handling/climbing/landing/etc. I'm starting to think I'm just not as perceptive as everyone else!

What surprised me about the Comanche reaching FL210 is that I think it was Bryan who recorded that video taking off out of Leadville in his comanche? That climb rate seemed... Not amazing. I'm kind of surprised someone more than doubled the altitude there and reached the service ceiling. That must have been a long, excruciating process.
Took the Cherokee to just over 10k on a hot day once. It barely climbed at that point. We were heavy though so empty it probably would have gone another few hundred feet. I took the Comanche up to around 12k twice, once on a cold day, once on a warm day - it could have easily continued. I was still climbing at 500 fpm even at that point. I don't even know what the service ceiling is but it's higher than I ever have the need of going.
Yeah, I've got the hershey bar arrow. Though I've flown 4 arrows. Two hershey bar, two tapered. And 2 fixed gear cherokees. I honestly can't tell a difference between them in terms of handling/climbing/landing/etc. I'm starting to think I'm just not as perceptive as everyone else!

What surprised me about the Comanche reaching FL210 is that I think it was Bryan who recorded that video taking off out of Leadville in his comanche? That climb rate seemed... Not amazing. I'm kind of surprised someone more than doubled the altitude there and reached the service ceiling. That must have been a long, excruciating process.

Probably depends on which Comanche as they come in many flavors, 180, 250, 260, 400hp. Also depends on how heavily loaded. In the 250, if I'm solo and light, 2,000 fpm after takeoff is easy. If I'm fully loaded, 1,000 fpm probably isn't going to happen. I've had a 180 Comanche up to 10,500 but it was running out of breath, never really pushed the 250.

Highest I've been in a non turbine or turbo is 12,500 in a 172. When we called ATC requested 12,500, they answer back with repeat type aircraft. When we repeated Cessna Skyhawk, they questioned the requested altitude again. Once we confirmed it, they granted us 12,500, with the remark "Let us know when you can't make it". We made it.
And an NA warrior at 17.5... Did not expect that!

To be fair, it's not just because I'm the World's Greatest Pilot.

I had a lot of help from orographic lift - wind rising up the windward side of a mountain and carrying you up with it. It's one of the basic techniques used in soaring. Once I got the first shot of lift (VSI of 1000 fpm at 14,000), I then changed my plan of "actually getting where I was going", to "how high can I get?" So I tried to go from lift to lift like you might do with a glider. The lift ended just a touch above 17,500. I really wanted to get up into Class A but it just wasn't having it. Control feel was not great up there, and I think I was holding Vy (adjusted for altitude) just to stay there. Fun though!
Highest I've been in a non turbine or turbo is 12,500 in a 172. When we called ATC requested 12,500, they answer back with repeat type aircraft. When we repeated Cessna Skyhawk, they questioned the requested altitude again. Once we confirmed it, they granted us 12,500, with the remark "Let us know when you can't make it". We made it.
"Let us know if you can't make it": Such positive words of encouragement from ATC :)
Mag arcing?
What they said ^^

It's pretty unnerving having your engine misfire suddenly. The A&P installed some fine wire plugs, which helped a little bit but didn't solve the problem. A pressurised mag is a $$$ upgrade. I don't need to get up there that badly.
We took our '65 Skyhawk (O-300) to about 11,500'. It took a while. A long while. Not as long to come back down.
That's interesting. I wouldn't have thought anything like that would have been a factor until you were halfway to space :)
In terms of air pressure, 18,000 feet is halfway to a vacuum, so... Effectively, you're halfway to space!

People don't realize how thin or thick our atmosphere is. Thick, in that satellites do have a tiny bit of aero drag and need to be boosted every so often. Thin, in that there's just a tiny sheet of breathable air surrounding the planet. Heck, we have terrain that goes up farther than the breathable range.

That was part of Bill Shatner's emotional reaction to his space flight - That the atmosphere was just gone, under them in a heartbeat. The earth is pretty fragile. Take care of it.

But it's not so much about making the math optimal as it is for the wow factor when people hear you read off your clearance in your Mooney Bravo: "...maintain 3000 and expect FL250 after one-zero, 10 minutes" :cool:
There's always gonna be someone higher than you. ;)

I had a lot of help from orographic lift - wind rising up the windward side of a mountain and carrying you up with it.
And it can be fun. Another trick I have used in my normally aspirated Mooney. Here's a shot of my panel, climbing through 9400 feet with the VSI pegged. Whee! :)

Cessna 120 not too much over gross, 10,500 feet.
No stopping a mighty Continental 85.
Yup been to 10500 in my old c140 on the way to Johnson creek a few times- may have nursed it to 12 the one time on the way home. What a bird. Still miss it. If ya own one don’t sell it unless you enjoy regret! :)
I had a Pawnee, PA-25, O-540 fixed pitch at 250HP, 1/2 tank fuel, get maxed out at about 3000ft AGL. Granted the airport was at 5500MSL on a hot day with a water ballasted glider in tow.
What they said ^^

It's pretty unnerving having your engine misfire suddenly. The A&P installed some fine wire plugs, which helped a little bit but didn't solve the problem. A pressurised mag is a $$$ upgrade. I don't need to get up there that badly.
Maybe, instead of using your JATO bottles for takeoff, you could climb to altitude, and then ignite them. ;)