The CRJ 200/700/900 airplanes do not have any anti-ice systems on the Horizontal Stabilizer.
In certification flight testing, it was shown that that surface did not accumulate ice. Before anybody asks, I don’t remember why.
EVEN IF there was ice on the horizontal stab, it would not prevent the elevator surface from moving and inhibiting the ability of the pilot to flare.
IF the stabilizer was “frozen” due to ice accumulation, the crew would have gotten an EICAS message indicating a stab mistrim condition if the autopilot was ON.
If the autopilot was off and they were hand-flying in this scenario, they would not have been able to trim the airplane.
Lastly, the Horizontal Stab on the airplane is driven by a jackscrew, which is obviously in the internal structure of the tail- not susceptible to ice accumulation.
It is extremely unlikely that your hypothesis is accurate.