This thread is gonna throw its own shoulder with the amount of self-patting going on. I don't put too much stock on cost preparedness finger wagging from people who haven't had to cut checks for an entire engine as sole owner, after 2020. To wit, I wouldn't take advice from myself as a 2013 aircraft buyer.
I also don't know what being a 1st time owner has anything to do with nominal cost burdens. Being a second time owner doesn't change the sole-owner cost burden if and when it happens to you. If the implication is that the second time owner is older and richer, ok that may or may not be true. My ability to afford the hobby has decreased in inflation adjusted terms since both my personal overhead (work commute/work housing) and inflation proper increased, even though I make more money in nominal terms than in 2013.
If I wanted to deal with TW I could go and buy an RV-4 right now at list price, and get back in the game. But the engine situation has changed the value proposition dramatically. Y'all need to stop lumping everybody critical of the hobby cost basis as a broke out-grouper. I know some mean well, but step back and read how elitist this place comes off as, it's a big blind spot.