Thats my point - you end up with distractions that , while contributing to your quality of life , do end up diluting your working time because , while at home, it takes 100% dedication and basically perfect work ethic to generate the same output that you get in the office for free simply because of the virtue of not having any choice in the matter.
In other words, while this arrangement works for small number of workaholics , most people cannot keep up that kind of discipline.
Hah! It's SO much easier to get more done at home because there's a ton of extra time (without having to commute) and the interruptions are much rarer.
There is some value in being able to call someone over to look at something with a fresh set of eyes, and there's definitely value in being able to learn from those around you, but it's not nearly as valuable as the benefits of WFH.
The big worry here, as far as I am concerned, is the potential political consequences of taking a Biden-era proposal and just implementing it. The previous administration was accused of being corrupt, with barratry being one of the few crimes left out.
MOSAIC is not a Biden-era proposal. The name didn't come around until 2023 but the proposal was leaked in 2018:
Sport pilot licenses are a joke and so limited they are all but useless IMHO.
LSA/SLSA/ELSA aircraft are so limited to make their usefulness, well, useless.
ELSAs are DOA and a joke.... nothing more than venture capitalists looking for a write off. How do so many people not understand battery limitations? We can't get MOGAS at 90% of the airports yet now they are going to invest millions in charging stations?
ELSA = Experimental Light Sport Aircraft. Not electric, as you seem to be saying.
"Electric light sport aircraft (ELSA) are aircraft that are powered by electricity and are certified for light sport aircraft operations. Some examples of electric light sport aircraft include:"
Well, unless it does.
Where did you find that? Because the only way I can get that text is to feed Google AI. Keep in mind that AI does not actually know anything about anything, it is a probability based model that spews the words it thinks are most likely what you're looking for.
And if someone wants to fall on their sword over remote work, more power to them. But work location/type is an employer’s choice to make. It the employee/potential employee who has to choose whether that’s right for then or not.
And it's the employer's choice whether they're willing to severely limit their potential pool of applicants by not allowing WFH.
That's why I said IN MY HUMBLE OPINION.
Literally hundreds? I wouldn't have guessed that many. Seriously. I liken the SP ticket to those people I see driving those glorified golf carts around the 'hood. They spend $5-10K on a buggy you can't even take to the local Dollar General (not street legal).
Before I got my PPL I actually did think about SP. Until and every.single.CFI said don't waste your time and MONEY. If your mission in VFR day with one passenger then OK.... good on you. But most people want way more than that.
Is there a way to look up the actual number of SP vs PPL?
US Civil Airmen Statistics
As of the end of 2023, the following active pilot certs were held - and I'm wondering if you were thinking Recreational pilots, which also have limitations and were the first attempt at a drivers license medical pilot certificate, but the FAA ended up requiring a 3rd class anyway. Rec pilots can fly 4 seat airplanes, but can only take one passenger, among other limitations.
316,470 Student
71 Recreational
7,144 Sport (only)
167,711 Private Airplane
106,711 Commercial Airplane
174,113 ATP Airplane
13,428 Rotorcraft (only)
21,292 Glider (only)
131,577 Flight Instructor
332,313 Instrument Ratings
Yep. And those of us that have seen this before know that it tends to lead to the best staff leaving because they find it easy to find another job, while the lower performers stick around because they don't have as many options. This is far from universal, but it's definitely a tendency.
I haven't seen it work any other way.
In general I agree. In the case of government employees, I'm not so sure.
Why would it not be the best people leaving? We love to talk about government employees as if they're some sort of weird, Neanderthal type creatures who work less and aren't as capable. The reason that narrative plays well is that the most common interaction people have with government employees is at the DMV, which is not where you'll find the best and brightest.
So yes, even in the government, the best employees are the ones who will have an easy time finding a different job.