Currently VFR, Scattered at 12,000
15kt wind out of the south.
Rwy is 07/25 Highly suggest landing 25 and departing 07
Tall trees along both sides of the runway which will mess with your X-wind correction once below the tops.
Bump in the runway that you won't notice when landing but will pop you up early on departure.
It is a very well manicured runway, no mud or ruts.
Land, taxi back 100 feet or so and push tails back to the south along the runway. They have a handful of tiedowns (maybe 5).
On field restaurant shows open 11- 9 Friday and 8AM - 9PM Saturday and Sunday.
If we need anything I will have my car and there are some stores about 10 mi away.
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It's been about 6 months since I've been out there and it was still there then I always wanted to secretly go out therI and cut it down. It's not really a factor but it looks like it is when you're on finalI thought the big tree (that actually wasn't really a factor anyway) was gone.
8X won’t fit so you said “nah”I was really hoping I could sneak out there for this, but it just isn’t going to work out. Probably just as well, since Bryan decided to start this fly-in during the one year I choose to do Dry January.Have a great time and safe travels to all.
Oh, it sure looked like it to me the first time I flew in there. Until I walked back down to the end of the runway and got a look at exactly how far off the centerline it is.It's been about 6 months since I've been out there and it was still there then I always wanted to secretly go out therI and cut it down. It's not really a factor but it looks like it is when you're on final
Is that the plane we keep telling people to buy?
Ya'lI cannot believe how crazy that got last night.!!! Probably the most amazing unfolding of events at a fly-in in the history of aviation..
And who knew @kaiser was that flexible!
That dude must work out. I'm going to go walk down the runway and see if I can find the ping pong ball.
Edit: oops that was autocorrect what I meant to say was I enjoyed dinner .
I am here. I guess I'm too late. I see nobody here.
Come to cabin 15
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I regret that I couldn’t stay later. Eating pizza and watching a Twinkie do a short and soft field landing from the peanut gallery was on my bucket list.Ok, as soon as I finish my $100 hamburger.
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