In n out burger


Filing Flight Plan
May 11, 2024
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Anyone know of an In n out burger located very close to a smaller GA friendly field?
Anyone know of an In n out burger located very close to a smaller GA friendly field?
Any geographic restrictions? How far are you willing to fly? Where are you based?
Anywhere is good but how about in TX?
Any that anyone know of like walking distance?
Any that anyone know of like walking distance?
Shouldn’t be a terribly difficult search to undertake. Pull a map up of all TX locations and see how close an airport is to it.
Addison looks walkable. It will be the most expensive $100 burger you've ever had.

Cable Airport in Upland, CA has an InO within about a 10 minute walk. On Foothill Blvd, 1 block south of the airport.
Weird that this one didn't show up in my list; I'll have a look. Thanks.
Shouldn’t be a terribly difficult search to undertake. Pull a map up of all TX locations and see how close an airport is to it.

I hear ya but also we need to get @Mahneuvers or @EdFred to build an app that shows you all _________ within x miles of an airport. So, that could be all “InO’s” or all “casinos” or all “golf courses” or all “whatevers”. So it would have to have all the airports programmed into it then do a search on all of those. The main one for me would be golf courses, and unlike a very specific In n Out, I don’t care too much which golf course it is, I just want one close to an airport. Capiche? app that shows you all _________ within x miles of an airport...
I'm thinking wanting to go to a specific chain restaurant is kind of an edge case. The way I searched FFB for this was to retrieve all restaurants (pick any airport and enter like 3000 miles distance) then use browser find functionality to search for a specific restaurant. No one has yet to enter a In n Out Burger.
I'm thinking wanting to go to a specific chain restaurant is kind of an edge case. The way I searched FFB for this was to retrieve all restaurants (pick any airport and enter like 3000 miles distance) then use browser find functionality to search for a specific restaurant. No one has yet to enter a In n Out Burger.
again, I'm thinking broader than restaurants. I want to do 'something'. something is the variable, the airports are known.
again, I'm thinking broader than restaurants. I want to do 'something'. something is the variable, the airports are known.
I get it. It's an interesting concept. It's like using G Maps explore whats's around me functionality. I bet this could be done with the G Maps API but it wouldn't be free.
I get it. It's an interesting concept. It's like using G Maps explore whats's around me functionality. I bet this could be done with the G Maps API but it wouldn't be free.
It's easy to cache the bubble of stuff around each airport and search it with jq.
Recommend you ditch In-N-Out and fly to a Portillos instead. It's superior. There's one next door to my airport [kdpa] :)
It's easy to cache the bubble of stuff around each airport and search it with jq.
Are you talking about hitting the API or scraping screen results? I am no expert but either way I would think you'd show up pretty quickly on their radar and they'd shut you down.
Dang, I wish we had a couple of them here in the mid-Atlantic.
It’s a burger. IMO, they’re overrated. You have plenty of good stuff, too.

People want what they can’t have. I’ve got a buddy who’ll drive from Austin to New Orleans for a Krystal burger when he gets the craving.
I lived in California for 38 years, and am here to tell you that In-n-Out is probably the most overrated thing about that state. It’s barely a step above Burger King, and then only because it’s super clean and the employees are so friendly.
GeorgeC said:
Htaylor said:
Cable Airport in Upland, CA has an InO within about a 10 minute walk. On Foothill Blvd, 1 block south of the airport.
Weird that this one didn't show up in my list; I'll have a look. Thanks.

I hear ya but also we need to get @Mahneuvers or @EdFred to build an app that shows you all _________ within x miles of an airport. So, that could be all “InO’s” or all “casinos” or all “golf courses” or all “whatevers”. So it would have to have all the airports programmed into it then do a search on all of those. The main one for me would be golf courses, and unlike a very specific In n Out, I don’t care too much which golf course it is, I just want one close to an airport. Capiche?
Yeah, someone ought to do that...
$ cat all.json | jq -r '.businesses[]? | select(.distance<2000) | select(.categories[].title=="Golf") | .url'

Are you talking about hitting the API or scraping screen results? I am no expert but either way I would think you'd show up pretty quickly on their radar and they'd shut you down.
Relative to the number of airports, the API limits are generous.

low observable

Yeah, someone ought to do that...
$ cat all.json | jq -r '.businesses[]? | select(.distance<2000) | select(.categories[].title=="Golf") | .url'

Relative to the number of airports, the API limits are generous.

low observable

I'd like and subscribe!
Weird that this one didn't show up in my list; I'll have a look. Thanks.
Yes it did

Parking at Atlantic and walking 1.5 hours around the approach end of LAX? Riiiiiight.
There's no pleasing some people. Thanks for the video, though :cool:
Any that anyone know of like walking distance?
"Anywhere is walking distance if you have the time ..." — Steven Wright
I once walked with my brother and his family three miles to my favorite coffee shop. He called a friend for a ride home.
Parking at Atlantic and walking 1.5 hours around the approach end of LAX? Riiiiiight.

There's actually an InO just south of Atlantic (and Signature) on Sepulveda at Mariposa. About a 20 minute walk from either FBO. $500 parking fee for a $5 burger.
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There's actually an InO just south of Atlantic (and Signature) on Sepulveda at Mariposa. About a 20 minute walk from either FBO. $500 parking fee for a $5 burger.
Plus there's an El Pollo Loco across the parking lot for when you see the line at In-n-Out.

a patron of the arts
Inn n Out isn't my first choice, but it's right up there since lettuce wrap is a requirement for me and they do a good job. My favorite is Habit Burger. Carl's can hit the spot too. Back when I still ate the bun, Burger King was one of my favorite.

To me, the most overrated and underwhelming place was Five Guys. Overpriced, soggy and greasy, and you have to put your own condiments on. That's fine for the AM PM hot food section, but not at a restaurant where you are paying top dollar.

Also, if you're flying to California from Texas, you will probably find you're paying about twice as much for the same thing, thanks to a mandatory fast food minimum wage of $20/hr. I used to get sides (salads) and a drink. I don't do that anymore just out of cost. Some chains here are closing their doors left and right.
I lived in California for 38 years, and am here to tell you that In-n-Out is probably the most overrated thing about that state. It’s barely a step above Burger King, and then only because it’s super clean and the employees are so friendly.
I'm not a California apologist by any stretch of the imagination, but I think the most underrated thing about the state might be that people sincerely claim that In-n-Out is the most overrated thing about the state.

When I lived in Virginia, one of the newspapers did an article on the best 10 hamburgers in Richmond. #1 and #7 were two different Hardee's locations. (For those who don't live in or east of the Mississippi River system's basin, you'd know this chain as Carl's Jr. And in case you're ever on Jeopardy, the Istanbul airport is in Carl's Jr. territory.) I don't know what the #7 location was doing wrong to be ranked that far below the #1 location, but I can tell you that something is very wrong with anyone who goes to Hardee's looking for the best hamburger in town, even in a town where Hardee's is the only burger in town. (Disclaimer: It's been a long time. I am 99% sure that one location was #7 on the list, but I'm only 75% sure the other place was #1. There's a chance it was #3. I've had to remember a lot of facts and numbers since then and hope I can be forgiven if I've slightly misremembered this one.)

I personally enjoy In-n-Out. That's probably because I live in a town where the only chain burger place is Hardee's, I visit a city that has In-n-Out roughly twice a year, and I can trust them to be clean, safe, fresh, and reasonably good-quality food. There's also some sentimental value since the first time I went to an In-n-Out was when my dad and I went to Los Angeles not long after the first time he got really sick.