Corsair Replia broken

I'd be looking closely at those wing roots and carrythrough on the right side. The forces that dinged that wingtip pile up at the roots and can shift the fittings on the spars, elongating the holes in the wood, sometimes even pulling the wood free along the grain, or cause delamination of structure there.

Been there, seen it.
I'd be looking closely at those wing roots and carrythrough on the right side.

Agreed. I used to fly a club Cherokee and one of the members hit a steel pole with a wingtip. Didn't look like much until you looked at the wing root. Big gap at the leading edge while the trailing edge had been pushed up against the fuselage. Something had been bent or broken. The guy flew it home that way. Insurance totaled the plane.
I have such mixed feelings about this. It's cool in many ways, but man, it's a bit too much of a death trap for my liking.
I really, really agree. On the one had the guys is a fricking marvel of human ingenuity and skill. I'm in absolute awe. On the other hand he's not a tailwheel jedi, and he's not exactly approaching these flights like Elliot Seguin... although even Elliot seems to have hung up his test flight wings after that incident with the cozy.
I have such mixed feelings about this. It's cool in many ways, but man, it's a bit too much of a death trap for my liking.
I’m not riding in it
I really, really agree. On the one had the guys is a fricking marvel of human ingenuity and skill. I'm in absolute awe. On the other hand he's not a tailwheel jedi, and he's not exactly approaching these flights like Elliot Seguin... although even Elliot seems to have hung up his test flight wings after that incident with the cozy.
What happened with the Cozy?
The WAR replicas are neat little airplanes, but they're hot little ships with a high wing loading, especially if the builder doesn't pay scrupulous attention to keeping it light. I don't know what this pilot's experience is, but they've bit a lot of pilots whose tailwheel experience is mostly in more docile taildraggers like Cubs and such.
Yeah they seem a little tricky on landing. Seemed to lose lift quickly. I’d go with a two point.

Years ago I hired a guy who had been a tower controller. He said that when someone bounced like that they'd clear them for touch and go and press the counter twice.
He's current for another 90 days!

Edit: Tailwheel currency requires a full stop. Back to ground school for me. :nono:
(apologies it was a quickie, no a cozy, but I was close)
^that was a long time ago. He has done MANY test flights since then.
It was a long time ago but I haven't seen any videos since. Is he still posting them?
^that was a long time ago. He has done MANY test flights since then.