Burning Man

I wouldn’t say it’s a prerequisite, but there are many who do. I’ve smoked pot off and on since the early 80’s in high school. A few of my buddies used to go into the restrooms and smoke in between classes. Seems like another lifetime ago. Be prepared to smell a lot of cigarette and marijuana smoke around the playa. A little joint beforehand helps the experience really come to life.

Clearly you don’t understand the arts and I’m quite offended by your tone. Art is largely like music. Lots of different strokes for different folks. It’s an abstract of the mind and a free way of expression. Don’t even waste your time at the ‘Man it won’t be suited for you.
"I’ve smoked pot off and on since the early 80’s in high school."

Are you currently a pilot and still smoking?
Clearly you don’t understand the arts and I’m quite offended by your tone. Art is largely like music. Lots of different strokes for different folks. It’s an abstract of the mind and a free way of expression. Don’t even waste your time at the ‘Man it won’t be suited for you.
That’s fine you’re free to disagree. I’ve been to many and have felt it’s one of the best in the nation. Folsom street fair is wonderful as well, but it’s more body expression.

The last time I attended BM was 1997. By then, the event had “jumped the shark” as far as I was concerned, a victim of its own success. Shortly thereafter, I moved into a space with a 50-yard line vantage point of the Folsom Street Fair, and spent the following 14 years inventing reasons to be out of town that weekend. I don’t claim to know what art is, but I will venture that exhibitionism, narcissism, and plooking strangers in the Pleasure Dome are not art forms, no matter how precious those practitioners fancy themselves to be.

Burning Man is many things to many people (too many, for too many, I think), and it’s great that you enjoy the experience. You do you, (and do anyone else who will do you). Just don’t conflate hedonism and narcissism with art.
Clearly you don’t understand the arts and I’m quite offended by your tone. Art is largely like music. Lots of different strokes for different folks. It’s an abstract of the mind and a free way of expression. Don’t even waste your time at the ‘Man it won’t be suited for you.
I'm offended that you're offended. Since when is doing drugs and partaking in orgies "art"?
As I keep reminding my students, we can't have discussions until we have agreement on definitions. "What is Art?" is a much more amorphous than "What is Computer Science" and even that is a moving target.
Burning man isn't for me. I just don't like crowds or excessive heat. I do like the solitude of airplane camping out in the desert. I flew in to the High Sierra fly-in in Nevada before it got too big and became Burning Man for aviators. I've also solo camped on the playa at the Alvord Desert. The solitude and splendor of a night sky with no light pollution makes dealing with the akalai dust worth it. The Alvord desert has the added attraction of a hot spring adjacent to where I tie my plane down.
Burning man isn't for me. I just don't like crowds or excessive heat. I do like the solitude of airplane camping out in the desert. I flew in to the High Sierra fly-in in Nevada before it got too big and became Burning Man for aviators. I've also solo camped on the playa at the Alvord Desert. The solitude and splendor of a night sky with no light pollution makes dealing with the akalai dust worth it. The Alvord desert has the added attraction of a hot spring adjacent to where I tie my plane down.
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You parked all nice and orderly like you were the first arrival to a fly-in and were expecting more planes :)
As much as I think Burning Man could be fun (for a couple of hours), the heat and dry dust isn't for me, give me cool and green.


This was Cheat River, WV, which was quite the party... I didn't see any naked babes or drugs but plenty of underdressed hillbilly women (not all dentally challenged) and detected a few whiffs of that wacky tabaccy late in the evening.
Just a friendly reminder to some of the more liberal people without kids on this discussion:

Some of us do have kids. Some of those kids are 14, taking flying lessons and frequently read POA.

We are supposed to be family friendly.

The discussion about burning man is not. To be clear…
Just a friendly reminder to some of the more liberal people without kids on this discussion:

Some of us do have kids. Some of those kids are 14, taking flying lessons and frequently read POA.

We are supposed to be family friendly.

The discussion about burning man is not. To be clear…
As someone who has a 14-year-old kid with Internet access, I'm wondering if some posts were deleted or if it's the mere acknowledgment of sex and nudity that's offensive.
As someone who has a 14-year-old kid with Internet access, I'm wondering if some posts were deleted or if it's the mere acknowledgment of sex and nudity that's offensive.
I have not looked back to check.

Just to be clear. My post was not intended to project any personal option regarding anyone’s life choices or provide any comment on moderation. Just a friendly reminder to all that our little corner of the internet is structured to include all ages interested in aviation.

Personally I have no objection to how folks live or love. My wife and I have our lives that we have chosen for reasons we find meaningful. Others have their own. None of my business.
Personally I have no objection to how folks live or love. My wife and I have our lives that we have chosen for reasons we find meaningful. Others have their own. None of my business.

I agree. Some of you people like and play golf, which I will never f**king understand... But that's y'alls business.
I'm confused. What exactly did you find offensive, just the fact that burning man was discussed?
Well. The discussion at my house was “hey dad, what’s an orgy dome”

Not something I was expecting from POA. If that is a problem for you I’ll show you the spot where you can go ….
Seems a number of posts have been deleted.
Anyone else smell a troll?
No posts have been deleted from this thread (yet).
I don't think I would want to stay out there for more than a couple [hours] before I would want to go back to suburbia.
I'm already sold on the benefits of GenAv, but I'd say that makes the case for flying in pretty cleanly.