6Y9 2024 Fly in/camp out

I'd like to see that thing as the prime mover in an aircraft.

Believe me when I say I’ve considered the ways to make it happen. But a 2,000 lb power plant making only 500 HP doesn’t inherently work great for an aircraft.
We’re a bit north of Minneapolis, and are looking at early/mid afternoon today for arrival.
Headed out from Chicago now. Hoping field isn’t a softie
Getting a way late start. Going to takeoff in a few. Should be there shortly after kaiser.
Really wish that I could have made it this year, but it just didn’t work out. Have a great time everyone!
We’re here in our standard parking spot, looking down the runway with a good lineup of planes!


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A couple shots from this morning.

It’s worth noting that our bus weighs more than all the planes in the flight line combined.


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what's going on now? and let me get this out of the way for you..... what happens at 6y9 stays at 6y9

Back home safe at KEYE!! What a fun weekend!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We just got home, I think making us winners of both the furthest traveled, most fuel consumed, and slowest ground speed. But, it was all worth it, because it was a great time. This is now our 4th RV trip up to 6Y9 with the kids, and each year they ask "When can we go back to the grass runway?!" It's a highlight of the year.

A huge thanks to Diz and Brad for hosting this event (ok, maybe Ed too), Grant and Leslie for Sunday breakfast, and everyone else who showed up to make it such an enjoyable event. 6Y9 is a special place, but the people are what make this weekend in particular so much fun.
It was awesome seeing everyone, and always glad when people can make it and help support the airport. Sorry I didn't get to hang out more, but with 1 kid running a fever of 102, the other puking in the middle of the night Saturday night, and April not feeling well, I figured it best to not spread anything around, and fever kid wanted to get home, so we split much, much earlier than anticipated. But we'll see you there next year, right? RIGHT?
( cough @CJones cough )
It was awesome seeing everyone, and always glad when people can make it and help support the airport. Sorry I didn't get to hang out more, but with 1 kid running a fever of 102, the other puking in the middle of the night Saturday night, and April not feeling well, I figured it best to not spread anything around, and fever kid wanted to get home, so we split much, much earlier than anticipated. But we'll see you there next year, right? RIGHT?
( cough @CJones cough )

I know... I know.. I'll be working on it.
We had a wonderful time as always! Looking forward to 2025 already!

(I stole the latter photos from Michelle; she’s the much better photographer.)


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That last one with the stars is amazing!

That last one with the stars is amazing!
Thanks! I actually like this one a little better. I'm not the best night photographer but the iPhone pro and the lights from the school made this possible.


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We had a wonderful time (again) but wanted to share a few pics from Friday as I thought it was so sweet how everyone celebrated our lovely host at the Sidney Station. Very much hope we can be there next year for the 20th annual fly in!


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We had a wonderful time (again) but wanted to share a few pics from Friday as I thought it was so sweet how everyone celebrated our lovely host at the Sidney Station. Very much hope we can be there next year for the 20th annual fly in!

This is my biggest regret for not making it up there this year - missing Diz's big party. Happy birthday Diz!! Sorry we missed you!
Thanks again to our PoA family for supporting 6Y9 and for making another fun weekend possible. It was decided that this was the second-best weekend for weather, except for the wind. Not as horrific as last year, but it did present its occasional challenges.

Thanks again, to Grant and Leslie, for another wonderful breakfast. Enough can’t be said about how much they both put into it to make it so very nice and lovely. Thanks to those who helped them set up and clean up.

Personally, I want to express a special ‘thank you’ to all who were a part of the surprise and ...”what happens at 6Y9, stays at 6Y9,” so SHHHHUSH....on the details...there were many...and ya had to be there. Sorry eman.

Next year marks the 20th. I have a lot to think about to come up with a good plan.

Again, thank you to all who make the effort to come. We have gained so many wonderful friendships because of the fly ins. We missed all of you who could not make it, and hope to cross paths with you again soon.