do you swipe to type? (NA numbnutz)

do u swipe to type?

  • all of the time

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • some of the time

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • none of the time

    Votes: 17 34.7%
  • whatdafuq is swipe to type?

    Votes: 14 28.6%
  • no because the government tracks fingerprints on smartphones and my name is definitely not edfred

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
I go thru phases where I like it and use it for a little while but I end up going back to good ol' thumb typing, which I HATE on iPhone, those little keys are way too small. anyways, it's a cool feature that I like but for some reason don't use 100% of the time.
Assswipe 80% of the time and speech to test 20% of the time.
Both intro duce lots of type ohs but I don't care. duckin dill with it.

I never ever thumb type. How long has iphone had swipe? Android gave it to us in 2009.
Hate it.
Spend too much time correcting what the phone *thinks* I meant to say!
. . . but then I'm also the nerd who rarely abbreviates either.
Did Apple finally introduce it? I use it constantly; it's one of the things that keeps me on Android. Yeah, I know there's a Google keyboard for Apple, but it didn't seem to work as well for some reason.

Occasionally it'll refuse to give me the word I want, but generally it works great and is infinitely faster than doing one letter at a time, especially once you get it trained.
I go thru phases where I like it and use it for a little while but I end up going back to good ol' thumb typing, which I HATE on iPhone, those little keys are way too small. anyways, it's a cool feature that I like but for some reason don't use 100% of the time.
What is swipe to type?
Did Apple finally introduce it? I use it constantly; it's one of the things that keeps me on Android. Yeah, I know there's a Google keyboard for Apple, but it didn't seem to work as well for some reason.

Occasionally it'll refuse to give me the word I want, but generally it works great and is infinitely faster than doing one letter at a time, especially once you get it trained.

iOs has had it for a while
I use it sometimes (Android) but I'm just as bad at swiping as I am tapping, so no net benefit.
not a fan of swipe to type. Too slow, too many errors. Better off hitting each little key.
Now that I think about it, I think the fastest and most accurate I was ever able to type on a phone was with my blackberry 15+ years ago.
not a fan of swipe to type. Too slow, too many errors. Better off hitting each little key.
Now that I think about it, I think the fastest and most accurate I was ever able to type on a phone was with my blackberry 15+ years ago.
Man I miss the physical keyboards. Hate the touch screen where I get like 4 letters at once.
Man I miss the physical keyboards. Hate the touch screen where I get like 4 letters at once.
Have you seen the movie "Blackberry"? There's a funny scene where the company is circling the drain and the CEO is yelling at analysts/investors "but it has a keyboard!"
I'll try swiping again as I'm sure it gets easier with practice. I'm soooo slow compared to my kids. When they text their thumbs move like Steve Austin's legs in the Six Million Dollar Man. There, I aged myself twice in one post.
Have you seen the movie "Blackberry"? There's a funny scene where the company is circling the drain and the CEO is yelling at analysts/investors "but it has a keyboard!"
It was great! Glen Howerton was fantastic
I just let auto complete and it is a little better. The English is a little bit of a day.
Depew to tpa is always accurates.

(Swipe to type is always accurate, typed by swiping) :cool:
Q: How could you tell the mechanic was lazy?

A: He used auto complete.
I didn’t even know iPhone had that. I suck at either one. Or the phone does, whatever.

What really blows is, I’m currently carrying an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I got this stupid thing because I got tired of trying to use the tiny little keyboard on a regular size iPhone. Unfortunately, it turns out I can’t type any better on this one. Now I’m stuck with a giant half pound phone that won’t fit in most pockets or anything else. I’m just too cheap to go buy a different one.
I see all the young ppl tapping, not swiping. I swipe mostly.
I figured they youngsters are ahead of me because of their normally superior tech knowledge, but can't make myself tap.
I swipe most of the time. It’s been on the iPhone for quite a while now.

Auto correct still sucks.

The text editing feature is also bad. (E.G., you make a typo or want to change what you said earlier in the paragraph.)
I swipe pretty much always on the iPhone, and proofread before sending or posting. One thing about autocorrect that really irks me is the automatic censoring of swear words. I read once that it’s intended to prevent people from inadvertently sending things that could get them in trouble. I say, let them get in dutch, and they’ll start proofreading. And get some friends or coworkers with thicker skin. A little cussing often greatly clarifies communication in an unequivocal and most efficient manner.
Man I miss the physical keyboards. Hate the touch screen where I get like 4 letters at once.

I bought a cheap azz bluetooth keyboard to use with the phone, useful for longer responses like this one. It is small/light enough to easily take with on trips and if it gets damaged, so what, just buy another cheap azz keyboard.

When not using the keyboard I make lots of miss steaks.IMG_7851.jpeg
I've been swiping since the Swype keyboard first came out a lonnng time ago.

Strangely, I feel like the best accuracy I ever had was in the early days with the original Swype app, and that accuracy has gradually degraded over time. Both Gboard (my current primary keyboard) and Samsung Keyboard are both about 70% accurate for me. I wish I still had my old Droid Incredible with Swype that I could do a side-by-side comparison with my current phone, to see if it really was "better in the olden days" or if that's just a trick of memory.

Regardless, I'm faster swiping than tapping, but maybe that's because I have ~10 years of swipe practice and ~0 years of tap practice.
I just type and swear at the autocorrect as it screws things up. I do miss the blackberry keyboard...I didn't get rid of my work one until I had to, because they didn't support past 3g.

And answering the phone? I have the ringer turned off on everything but my work phone. Everybody else knows to use text.
I voice text, and never correct anything. Everybody now knows what you are trying to say.
Just don't be one of those old dudes sitting in public tapping the phone with 1 finger and leave the noise on when you press a key. What in the world would make anyone want to hear the click sound when typing on a digital keypad ?
Just don't be one of those old dudes sitting in public tapping the phone with 1 finger and leave the noise on when you press a key. What in the world would make anyone want to hear the click sound when typing on a digital keypad ?
If you’re “hunt and pecking” on a phone you may not know where to go to turn off the sound.
If you’re “hunt and pecking” on a phone you may not know where to go to turn off the sound.
This is probably true. But it wouldn't take long to ask your great grand children to help you turn that sound off.
Assswipe 80% of the time and speech to test 20% of the time.
Both intro duce lots of type ohs but I don't care. duckin dill with it.

I never ever thumb type. How long has iphone had swipe? Android gave it to us in 2009.
Android was definitely first, but ios has had it for over five years now.

I speech to text anytime I can get away with it. (e.g. not interrupting people, not broadcasting my business to others, not in a loud environnment...)