Sat 6/15/2024 - naked women, free beer and everyone gets a puppy

I'd go, but I wasn't invited.
Same. Actually I'll be out of town, and forgot to get my flight review done before plane went into annual, sooooo......I need that FR first anyway. First time I haven't been current in over 20 years.
Love to. Can't. Favorite Cajun place opens at 11. The barkeep will have a pint of my preferred brew poured as soon as she sees me walk in the door.
Love to. Can't. Favorite Cajun place opens at 11. The barkeep will have a pint of my preferred brew poured as soon as she sees me walk in the door.

speaking of not being invited.........
Same. Actually I'll be out of town, and forgot to get my flight review done before plane went into annual, sooooo......I need that FR first anyway. First time I haven't been current in over 20 years.
Do you want me to send you a logbook sticker?

(Just kidding, Mr. FAA). :)
Free beer was enough for us but plan to be in KMSL for the weekend.
Surprisingly, this thread title (except the destination) (maybe the puppies part neither) was exactly my plan for the 15th. Never would have expected that!
Do you want me to send you a logbook sticker?

(Just kidding, Mr. FAA). :)
We could do it via Zoom couldn't we? I mean I did my instructor renewal over Zoom rather than at the FSDO. Same thing, right?
everyone is invited. the real issue is I don't remember everyone's handles...
@masloki @NealRomeoGolf

Also i don't know how many people are OK with bumping along for 8, 10, 12 hrs R/T.
My new strategy is to never fly my plane again. That way it can stop breaking.
Plane is in the shop waiting for a new prop.
Darn. I can no longer use this thread as evidence of your cliquish behavior. Like @Half Fast, I must first check w/ SWMBO. She's not going to like the boating weekend cut short but maybe I can play the Fathers Day weekend card.
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Kids and Grandkids are taking me to dinner tonight. Passed thru Charlotte last Saturday. Bad Scheduling? Or on purpose? ;)
If I didn't need to work on the plane this weekend, I'd come just to spoil your party.
alright, so we're up to ONE besides me and kaiser soze. more q for us!
I'm going to go for a couple test flights today and see if my ammeter is showing normal levels after the shop worked on it. If all that goes OK I may be joining as well. Just don't wanna get stuck far from home w/o an alternator :).
Same. Actually I'll be out of town, and forgot to get my flight review done before plane went into annual, sooooo......I need that FR first anyway. First time I haven't been current in over 20 years.

Welcome to #MarriedWithKids

My med lapsed at the end of last month. My BFR is coming up due at the end of next month.
if anyone is watching the us open* you may have just seen a commercial for pik n pig. pretty cool!

*the us open is being played in pinehurst nc, very close to the pig