Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

Dave and Bob, who are both 90 years old, loved baseball their whole lives. One day, Dave turns to Bob and says, "Will you promise me something? Promise me that if you die first and go to heaven, you'll come back and tell me if there's baseball there."

Bob agrees, and makes Dave promise the same. Three months later, Bob dies. The next week, Dave wakes up in his sleep with someone calling his name. "Who's there?" he called out. "Dave! It's me Bob!"

"Bob! It's so good to hear from you! How's heaven?" Dave asked. "It's great!" said Bob. "But I've got some good news and some bad news."

"Well, tell me the good news first," said Dave.

"Okay, the good news is that there is baseball in heaven."

"That's great!" Dave exclaimed. "What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I was reading the lineup, and you're pitching on Friday."
Never done a 13 but it appears much the same as the 5. Not that big of a deal ...
"Not that big of a deal" is snapping the back off (no tools required) and popping the battery out, to me anyway. Using a hair dryer to remove the screen and other dismantling processes gives me the heebie-jeebies. :redface:
"Not that big of a deal" is snapping the back off (no tools required) and popping the battery out, to me anyway. Using a hair dryer to remove the screen and other dismantling processes gives me the heebie-jeebies. :redface:

Try this:

Step 1: Toss iPhone in the trash

Step 2: Buy a Samsung

Why would I toss such a great device? Haters gonna hate ... :biggrin:
More like I am in a philosophical pickle. I never liked the iPhone because it was everything but a phone. And the guy who ran the UI believed in only one way to do things, and it was his way. It was often very counter intuitive to anyone that was logical. He then switched to the Mac OS side of the camp; and I bought my last Mac in 2011 because of the changes he pushed through.

Now, Apple is years behind Android on both HW and SW for many features. On the flip side, Google has become so invasive in terms of privacy (e.g. even using an incognito chrome window, with my account signed out) I started to get ads on my computer for what I had searched for on my phone! This is making me seriously consider switching to Apple for my next phone. Or maybe, I should just get rid of a cell phone completely?

More like I am in a philosophical pickle. I never liked the iPhone because it was everything but a phone. And the guy who ran the UI believed in only one way to do things, and it was his way. It was often very counter intuitive to anyone that was logical. He then switched to the Mac OS side of the camp; and I bought my last Mac in 2011 because of the changes he pushed through.

Now, Apple is years behind Android on both HW and SW for many features. On the flip side, Google has become so invasive in terms of privacy (e.g. even using an incognito chrome window, with my account signed out) I started to get ads on my computer for what I had searched for on my phone! This is making me seriously consider switching to Apple for my next phone. Or maybe, I should just get rid of a cell phone completely?


I think I'll just go back to a dumb phone. The only 'smart' feature I use is kindle. And a sound meter.
As a Mooney owner, I approve of this message.