Rotax clone from China?

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Over the last 50 years, the size of the middle class has shrunk by 11%. The upper class has grown by 7% and the lower by 4%. More movement up than down.
Who/how is the "middle" class (or any class?) defined? From what I see, the standard of living for both the lower AND middle class is far better than it was when I was a child. So when I see "the middle class has shrunk", I wonder what the metric is for that claim.
, the standard of living for both the lower AND middle class is far better than it was when I was a child.
This is objectively true for most of the planet, but especially the US.

Capitalism works, and it has lifted billions of people up and out of starvation and abject poverty.
Who/how is the "middle" class (or any class?) defined? From what I see, the standard of living for both the lower AND middle class is far better than it was when I was a child. So when I see "the middle class has shrunk", I wonder what the metric is for that claim.

Go read as many details as you'd like.

Yes, the standard of living has increased across the board. A rising tide raises all ships, so they say.
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