tsts4's latest activity

  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to Jim K's post in the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going? with Like Like.
    Row 507
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    True, but I don't think those folks you mention really skew the overall membership numbers but I've no evidence to back my position...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
    There are inbound/outbound traffic and site maps located here:https://www.eaa.org/airventure/plan-your-eaa-airventure-trip/maps As for...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
    When is planning to leave as we're departing Friday the 26th?
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
    We're packing the plane this afternoon with a target launch of 0700 on Friday so we'll be a couple of hours behind you. Is your buddy...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
    Yes. They won’t know. Since you’ll most likely taxi together in trail it shouldn’t be an issue to collectively arrive at the same row...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    Compare apples to apples— new vs new. How does that new RV-10 stack up against a new 172? EAA isn’t what it used to be but neither is...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    TImes have changed. EAA simply changed as its membership and the environment it operates in changed--for better or worse. The...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Oshkosh 2024 - Who's going?.
    We'll fly up from Tampa on Friday. Historically it's been a 7 hr IFR trip for us that includes a 20-30 min fuel/potty stop halfway up...
  • tsts4
    Here’s the actual timeline’s and NOTAM instructions: 2015 and before: transponders to standby within 30 miles of OSH 2016-2018...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    Yeah I know folks hate S40 (and know it's getting better as I drive from there to Basler so get to see all of the OSH parking/camping...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    On things like EAA's definition of what's Vintage, they have to draw the line somewhere and based upon the GA fleet size and composition...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread EAA life membership value?.
    I disagree that Budd is somehow the gate keeper of SA articles. IMO Hal Bryan, as managing editor, has way more to say about the...
  • tsts4
    tsts4 replied to the thread Airventure Arrival Practice.
    I knew someone was gonna call me out on that -- post edited accordingly!:rockon:
  • tsts4
    tsts4 reacted to Capt. Geoffrey Thorpe's post in the thread Airventure Arrival Practice with Like Like.
    I guess I'm not going. NFW I could get up to 90 mph much less 90 freaking knots.:)