You've got One flight left


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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The FAA finally shuts down GA flying completely Starting tomorrow.
You got full tanks and that's it. What's your flight?
Am i going to die as well or just no more flying? That will make a drastic change in what i do

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Give discovery flights to the public for free, as fast as I could, up to the moment things were hell with the 8 hour instructional duty limit in that scenario.
I would fly over the white house and throw out all the lawn darts I could carry....
Just across one of our nation's borders...Bimini perhaps?
Bust a vip tfr. Not comply with the intercept fighters for the first command. I'll get out of jail eventually

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
An illegal tour of the Grand Canyon..
I would fly over the white house and throw out all the lawn darts I could carry....

Bust a vip tfr. Not comply with the intercept fighters for the first command. I'll get out of jail eventually

Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
Sheesh!!! That might get you more than jail time ... !!!
Fly into the FAA buildings 9/11 style. Of course I've somehow stolen a 787 and loaded it with RDX or something.
The FAA finally shuts down GA flying completely Starting tomorrow.
You got full tanks and that's it. What's your flight?

Won't be my last flight, my last flight would be the one where they finally shoot me down for breaking the law.
surely my overindulgence with hookers and blow will cause me to miss my own last flight.
Actually, I would like to revise my previous thought......if this truly WAS the last day for GA flight, I think I would fly over and drop the cats on top of the AOPA headquarters rather than the White House.
That was sooooo last week.

This week it's all about cats.

I'd load an airplane full of cats and drop them over the White House!
Of course... I must have hit send too son. I meant MHC in IMC in an ultra light full of stray cats doing barrel roles to effectively spray them all over my target.
Shut down the transponder,and keep flying.
ok, The point was more if you had 1 flight left how would you spend it.
My justification for the 1 remaining flight was bad.
I'm pretty sure I could loop, roll, and spin my CTSW on that flight. :D
I know this is a rhetorical question. For most of us though, we'll never be able to plan our last flight.

If the government was to shut the airspace down permanently, the circumstances around it would probably outweigh the desire to go on a pleasure flight. Also, the circumstances would probably cause an immediate on 9/11.

Those of us who were pilots back during 9/11 remember that feeling of wondering if our last flight fact, our last flight. Some of us in the Washington D.C. area wondered if our airspace would shut down to GA permanently.

Considering the circumstances associated, my last flight would probably be loading up my wife, kid, and dog, and bugging out to Canada.
Fly into the FAA buildings 9/11 style. Of course I've somehow stolen a 787 and loaded it with RDX or something.


Although I always pictured myself in a KA as they are easier to find and start. :D
And RDX is too hard to find or make in that kind of volume. But I did learn some interesting things in the Army (Combat Engineer) and several years of chemistry in college never know.

In theory that is.....
I would fly my plane to the nearest GA friendly country so I could sell it and recover some value from it.

But so would everybody else. Maybe not the closest. Maybe Brazil instead of Canada.
I like Jesse's idea.

Then I'd probably consider turning into a drone.
I am not going to respond so I don't get a visit from the men in black suits and suburbans.
I know this is a rhetorical question. For most of us though, we'll never be able to plan our last flight.

If the government was to shut the airspace down permanently, the circumstances around it would probably outweigh the desire to go on a pleasure flight. Also, the circumstances would probably cause an immediate on 9/11.

Those of us who were pilots back during 9/11 remember that feeling of wondering if our last flight fact, our last flight. Some of us in the Washington D.C. area wondered if our airspace would shut down to GA permanently.

Considering the circumstances associated, my last flight would probably be loading up my wife, kid, and dog, and bugging out to Canada.

But rarely are my flights pleasure flights, normally I'm trying to get somewhere fast on my schedule. I'd be looking for another Midget Mustang to fly low, cheap, and fast, and take my chances at getting shot down.
Fly to Canada... or Mexico :) no FAA there, right?
Most people would be stopped as soon as paved runways went away. Can't fly without a govt built airport gosh dolly.
I know this is a rhetorical question. For most of us though, we'll never be able to plan our last flight.

There are only two things that can happen to a pilot. One is that he walks out to the airplane knowing it will be his last flight. The other is that he walks out to the airplane NOT knowing that it will be his last flight.