
“…you are…” C’mon now. You the one who started this whole thing out with telling to use you’re

Contractions should not be used in written text and are only permissible in speech when necessary for expedience, yo.
I remember when I first met the grammar police. They thought they were saving the world!

I had a really cool English teacher in 8th grade that told me it's simple. Take the other person out of the sentence.

She and I went to the store. ---> She went to the store. I went to the store. This works.
He went to the store with her and I. ---> He went to the store with her. He went to the store with I. Doesn't work.
You meant to write "what's your ten-twenty?"

Numbers smaller than one hundred (100) should be written out.


Where you at, bro? (You see what I did there, right?)
Yer not getting me to use you're.

Cause c'mon y'all I hate apostrophes. (not the Greek guy).
If your public school education was as rigorous as mine, this thread won't effect you.
You meant to write "what's your ten-twenty?"

Numbers smaller than one hundred (100) should be written out.


So this is what you suggest:

Three point one four one five nine two six five three five

instead of 3.1415926535 ?

Or "I need an eleven thirty seconds socket?"

So this is what you suggest:

Three point one four one five nine two six five three five

instead of 3.1415926535 ?

Or "I need an eleven thirty seconds socket?"


Those are non-integers and fractions. Not the same. Different rules.
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Those are integers and fractions. Not the same. Different rules.

You said number. Those are both numbers. Decimals and fractions, but still numbers.

And neither is an integer. One is even irrational, and transcendental.
My momma taught me the rule was: Never end a sentence with a proposition!
Was your momma a Roman or a nun; ’cause that’s a rule in Latin, not English.

“This is the kind of pedantic nonsense up with which I will not put!” Winston Churchill
You said number. Those are both numbers. Decimals and fractions, but still numbers.

And neither is an integer. One is even irrational, and transcendental.

The rules are still different.

How about this one? [Obfuscation].
Why is it, that if you aks someone about something you aint know, you automatically get associated with being black. NO! That is how people speak in the deep Southeast, irregardless of their color!
Why is it, that if you aks someone about something you aint know, you automatically get associated with being black. NO! That is how people speak in the deep Southeast, irregardless of their color!

You OK?

Where did that come from?
Contractions should not be used in written text and are only permissible in speech when necessary for expedience, yo.
I’m confused. I don’t understand. Yer gonnna hafta call me and explain, or make an audio or video. I need to hear you
The annoying->crazy->maybe ok thing is that with language drift, misuse of words, and their misspellings, eventually becomes normal and accepted with the passage of time!
I was almost physically sick the first time I saw “ain’t” in a widely accepted dictionary decades ago.
Fighting this drift is not feasible, many other, much larger battles are available to us!

Who can forget the ATITPPA or ‘With You’ on-line wars?
A billion Yottabytes of discussion, much of it heated…and last flight I heard both; they are common now and won’t be stopped anytime soon!