Your latest verified greaser


Final Approach
Dec 28, 2010
Near DC
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Verified means there was a witness either in the plane or on the ground.

My latest was landing about 3-1/2 weeks ago at KPHF with my wife on board. Unfortunately it wasn't on purpose, I'd rounded out a bit late and was expecting to float longer in ground effect. I didn't know I'd greased it on until I heard the wheels rolling.

Just before leaving Fla. With some young Eagles.
Landing in a crosswind at PHLU in a 182. Yes it was on one wheel, but it just rolled on and the second wheel touched down just as smooth. My wife and a CFI were onboard.
My wife every time I land and she survives lol....

She always tells me great job but I tell her that she doesn't know what a good landing feels like cause I haven't ever shown her lol...
Some time ago I dropped one in that should have left some fillings on the floor boards. I apologized to my wife and explained that the throttle was sticky and prevented me from adding a smidgen of throttle at the right moment.

I replaced the throttle (It was indeed stiff and sticky)

I greased one in--one of those landings that you couldn't tell just when the plane landed. I asked my wife--"What did you think about that one?" She replied "I don't know I had my eyes closed."
A few weeks ago with my parents and grandmother as passengers. It was the worst weather I'd flown in (MVFR) but two of the best landings I'd ever made.
Does video count?

I was sitting with another pilot in the FBO discussing the is topic. It had been a loooong time since everything lined up "just right", not bad, but not that "ahhh" kind of landing. Went up last weekend on a cold day, winds down the runway and popped off three in a row. Some days you are just "in sync".

Cold Sunday:
I botched a demo of a power off 180 degree turn to landing Thursday in a 172. Best squeaky landing I have made in a long time.


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I was a "greaser" in high school.

My grass landing in Tim's 182A at Gastons last September!

Only Tim witnessed it. To bad EdFred was hungry and convinced the rest of the group that they were hungry! :D
Mine was a few weeks back while doing some solo work... Confirmed by the RJ pilots holding short for me to land. :goofy: I should've asked them if they'd let me fly that shiny jet.
My grass landing in Tim's 182A at Gastons last September!

Only Tim witnessed it. To bad EdFred was hungry and convinced the rest of the group that they were hungry! :D

Sounds like coercion to me.

I think we need to answer this using the Subject line of a previous POA post.

Here's mine: "It was the FMS, Your Honor!" :-)

Ron Wanttaja
Took my parents flying when they were in town. Landed and my mom said "wow, it was like we just stopped flying...was they your best landing yet"..."naaaaaa....[yup]!"
My last greaser was probably about 10 years ago, usually I just close my eyes and wait for the impact.
July, doing wheel landings for TW endorsement.

Before that, Jan- myself, a CFI, and a senior 737 capt / CFII in the backseat. There was about a 10sec period where "flare" became "rollout" - we still aren't sure when we actually landed.
My last greaser was probably about 10 years ago, usually I just close my eyes and wait for the impact.


Put 'er down with some AUTHORITY!!! Need to let that airplane know who's boss!!!

If the passengers don't require immediate medical attention after landing - I've done my job!! :D

Greasers are overrated and frowned upon by the EPA.

(although the EPA doesn't quite understand what that sounds like it should be banned and they have spent a ton of money investigating this phenomenon as well as chem trails)

Set er down firmly but not "too hard" will keep the Feds off our back!!;)
I was in a Citabria about a month ago and had someone complement me after landing. Best part was, it was my first landing without an airspeed indicator! It died shortly after takeoff, so I had to do the approach and landing all by feel. It is really cool how you can tell by touch almost just as accurately how fast you are going.
1 hour ago at the base. Wind was about 60 degrees off at 14 gusting to 21. Broke out of the clouds at 500 feet, steady rain. Had the co-pilot, flight engineer, boom operator, and a second crew in the back.
Trailing link gear, so I can take all the credit :D
Both my landings today were greaser wheel landings. With witnesses too. :D

Can ya loan me one?

I haven't made a greaser in a loooong time. Of course, I usually 3 point, which usually ends up with the typical RV plop from 6".
Last 3-pointer I tried, I ended up with the tailwheel riding on the ground with the mains still half a foot in the air with the wing still flying and still having full aileron control. That was during my BFR a couple weeks ago. Both my CFI buddy and myself are still trying to figure out how that happened. :dunno:

I almost always wheel land the RVs, with the first landing of the day being a greaser, the 2nd one being total bouncing suckage and the 3rd one not being a greaser but acceptable. Today after getting two greasers in a row, I decided to not press my luck with a 3rd landing :lol:
One of the nicest things about the RV is that it is just incredibly easy to land, compared to our two Pipers. I think it's a combination of the well harmonized controls, the more responsive stick (vs. yoke), and the lighter weight.

Whatever it is, our "greaser to clunker" ratio is much better. I had one last week that was so smooth, with the nosewheel so perfectly suspended at the optimal angle... Ahhhhh...

It was right at sunset, too. :)
The verified part is the tough one. Just over a year ago for me. I flew out to Gaston's with my sister and brother-in-law. My sister was in flight training at the time. We took a DA40 and while I'm comfortable in it I only had about 8 hours in them at the time. I've been into Gaston's many times, but this was the first in this type. As we're on short final I apologize in advance that this one is probably not going to be the smoothest landing and it winds up being a greaser. We just started hearing the wheels rolling. Of course we got the normal Gaston's judders as you get slowed down and just taxing, but I was kind of amazed. This was the first time either had flown with me, so they were impressed. I wish I could claim credit.
yesterday was not mine ...

METAR KCUT 071853Z AUTO 30021G40KT 10SM FEW070 07/M06 A3014 RMK AO2 PK WND 30040/1846 SLP204 T00671061 $=

Arrival was FIRM and DEFINITIVE. Turnoff to parking is about 600' from the threshold - took power to taxi up there after landing.